Okay, so we have the remaining elements of al Qaeda in Iraq, those who hide in any remaining hut they can find, producing a new video that calls on all muslims to stand up for the people of Gaza by taking up guns and sniping infidels across the world. First of all, this is a bit like Rosie O'Donnell calling on people to watch what they eat, but in the video, al Qaeda in Iraq does raise some odd ideas - let's look at some excerpts from the article here at Adnkronos:
You just gotta love a "religion" that tells you that the almighty one is going to help you punish unbelievers.
I'm not sure the muslim world is going to equate sniping as a fasttrack to success since al Qaeda in Iraq has about 500 jihadists left in all of Iraq and those don't even know when their next meal or bullet is coming. But hey, rise up you minions of Satan, grab a gun and put a hole in the head of the next infidel you see! Hey wait ! Won't this put a wrinkle in President Obama's plan to bring all of these guys into a kumbaya huddle? I mean, when we follow The One's advice of reaching out to our islamist brothers, won't a bullet through our foreheads put a damper on that reconciliation?
A new video purportedly from Al-Qaeda in Iraq urges Muslims to become snipers in order to avenge the Palestinian deaths caused by Israel's three-week offensive in the Gaza Strip.Oh, and of course, no jihadi video wouldn't be complete without some loving words from that "holy" book, that volume of peace and love, the Qur'an:
The aim of the video - produced by production house al-Furqan - is to invite Muslims from all over the world to do the same and kill the first unbeliever that crosses his path."You must know that with a bullet whose cost does not exceed one dollar, you can kill a person who gets paid much more by their country. "If you feel that your heart is being squeezed and you are sorry about what is happening to Muslims, become a sniper and learn how to become one. Then approach God's enemy and his closest prophet and put a bullet in his heart or head and you will see how much better you feel," said the message.An image of Pope Benedict XVI also appears in the video, shaking the hand of Saudi Arabian King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud.
"Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands, lay them low, and cover them with shame. He will help you over them and cool the chests of the believers," said the video, quoting Sura number 9 verse 14.
You just gotta love a "religion" that tells you that the almighty one is going to help you punish unbelievers.
I'm not sure the muslim world is going to equate sniping as a fasttrack to success since al Qaeda in Iraq has about 500 jihadists left in all of Iraq and those don't even know when their next meal or bullet is coming. But hey, rise up you minions of Satan, grab a gun and put a hole in the head of the next infidel you see! Hey wait ! Won't this put a wrinkle in President Obama's plan to bring all of these guys into a kumbaya huddle? I mean, when we follow The One's advice of reaching out to our islamist brothers, won't a bullet through our foreheads put a damper on that reconciliation?
Iraq: 'Al-Qaeda video' recruits snipers to avenge Gaza
A new video purportedly from Al-Qaeda in Iraq urges Muslims to become snipers in order to avenge the Palestinian deaths caused by Israel's three-week offensive in the Gaza Strip.The 30 minute documentary, entitled "From the Islamic State: Dedicated to Gaza, the courageous," underlines the military and religious aspect of a sniper in Islam. It begins by showing images of the Israeli bombardment of Gaza, while images of Arab heads of state are seen cheering after a raid.The aim of the video - produced by production house al-Furqan - is to invite Muslims from all over the world to do the same and kill the first unbeliever that crosses his path.
"Just like using suicide bombers represented an important evolution and a decisive weapon for the jihadist fight, the use of snipers is important as the bases for its establishment are rooted in the history of Islam when during important battles, the Prophet (Mohammed)'s fellow warriors used this tactic against their enemies.""This because the surprise effect wins in a sniper, because death comes from where the enemy did not expect it."According to the Al-Qaeda militants, the first person in the history of Islam to use sniping was the Prophet Mohammed, who allegedly invited his warriors to use this technique in battle.The video also shows how al-Qaeda has killed dozens of US soldiers by using snipers in the past few years. To become a sniper, - the video says - the person must be in excellent physical and mental state."He must convince himself he is a sniper and must use cunning ways, and always remain patient." The video concludes with images of a Palestinian man asking Muslims for help after an Israeli bombardment.Established in 2006, the Islamic State of Iraq is an umbrella organisation containing several radical insurgency groups including its predecessor, the Mujahideen Shura Council and Al-Qaeda in Iraq.
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