Saturday, October 4, 2008

Second Holy Land Foundation Trial Takes A Bloody Tone

I think it would be safe to say that 95% of the American people have no idea that there is a terrorism trial going on in Dallas, Texas right now as the second round of trial against the Holy Land Foundation is underway. Course, we can't expect the MSM to cover a trial that might shed some of our home grown muslims in a negative light, right? Anyway, over at Family Security Matters, they have a good article up about the trial so far - here's some excerpts:

From donations urging violence to advertisements and videos lauding one of the fathers of global jihad, evidence in the Hamas-support trial against former officials at the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) Thursday took a decidedly bloody tone.

The five defendants are accused of illegally funneling $12 million to Hamas through a series of charities, or zakat committees in the West Bank and Gaza. FBI agent Lara Burns has been on the witness stand all week, presenting evidence establishing the group's stated and passionate support for Hamas.

Jurors then saw another rally in which HLF officials raised money in Hamas' name. And they saw a second skit featuring defendant Mufid Abdelqader portraying a Hamas terrorist. He confronts an actor portraying an Israeli civilian and tells him to "get out."

The "Jew" says he isn't afraid, prompting a chilling audience response:

And I, the Jew, do not get scared.

And Hitler had killed thousands.

Audience: May God increase them


Where are you, O fleeting Zionist?

Hamas is after you every where.

Where are you, O fleeting Zionist?
I encourage you to read the entire article over at Family Security Matters as it really details what the true intent behind the HLF was, and the obvious ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Feds really need a victory in this case after the last mistrial - and considering how there were at least two questionable jurors in the last case that many have said "threw" that case, hopefully, the Feds weren't so naive going into the jury selection this time.

Terror on Trial: 'It Is Time for You to Pledge Death
Steve Emerson

DALLAS – From donations urging violence to advertisements and videos lauding one of the fathers of global jihad, evidence in the Hamas-support trial against former officials at the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) Thursday took a decidedly bloody tone.

The five defendants are accused of illegally funneling $12 million to Hamas through a series of charities, or zakat committees in the West Bank and Gaza. FBI agent Lara Burns has been on the witness stand all week, presenting evidence establishing the group's stated and passionate support for Hamas.

A mistrial was declared last October after jurors could not reach unanimous verdicts on most counts. Defendant Mohamed El-Mezain was acquitted on all counts against him with the exception of a conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists.

This time, added care seems to be taken to identify all the players and define their connections to the case. In addition, some of the exhibits were not entered into evidence last year.

Defense attorneys argue the men merely sought to alleviate suffering by needy Palestinians living under occupation. The images displayed Thursday rarely invoked those needy people, but focused instead on the need to attack.

Several exhibits showing HLF's invocation Abdullah Azzam, an iconic Palestinian jihadist, are among the new evidence presented by the government. Azzam moved to Pakistan after the Russian invasion of Afghanistan to set up the Office of Services of the Holy Warriors (Mujahideen) and is considered a mentor to Osama bin Laden.

The Azzam exhibits were admitted over the objection of defense attorneys. Under the judge's order, jurors were not told of Azzam's role with bin Laden and the global jihad, but did hear references to Azzam's work on behalf of Afghanistan's mujahideen. In a video from a 1988 rally in California, the year HLF was founded as the Occupied Land Fund, Azzam is shown urging Palestinians to fight to the death:

"O, people of Palestine, it is time for you to pledge death.

Live with self-respect or die honorably between

piercing lances and fluttering flags. The heads

of the spears are stronger than treachery and are

a better healing to the cunning chest of the envious.

What is life? What is life if I don't live it with honor and respect."

Azzam was killed in a car bombing in 1989. He was mourned in an issue of Ila Filastin, a magazine published by the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). The IAP and HLF had a formal agreement to work together on fundraising.

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