Sunday, October 12, 2008

Laugh of the Day: Iran Sets Two Preconditions For Talks With U.S.

hat tip: Little Green Footballs

An Iranian Vice President for Media Affairs, some asshat by the name of Mehdi Kalhor, has explained it very simply what preconditions must be met by the United States in order for us to be privileged to sit down with the Iranians: 1. Remove all U.S. troops from the Middle East region and 2. Abandon all ties with Israel.

That's all! hahahaha! Here's what this fool said according to the brief report at Fars News Agency:

In an exclusive interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency, he said as long as U.S. forces have not left the Middle East region and continues its support for the Zionist regime, talks between Iran and U.S. is off the agenda.

It is the Americans who are in dire need of reestablishing ties with Iran, he underlined.

Now, as ridiculous as this all is, I do think there is a reason why this guy is throwing this all out there right now and it's a preparation by Iran for what they see as the inevitable that Barack Hussein Obama is going to be elected President of the United States. It's my contention that the Iranians feel that Obama has put the pressure on himself to "sit down" with the Iranians and that the American people are going to hold him to that, so the Iranians are trying to box him in before he takes office.

This is one of those instances where it's hard to determine if the Iranians are just idiots or are just arrogant. I've said all along that the way to deal with the Iranians is to constantly call their bluff. If they threaten to unleash tens of thousands of missiles, then strike them good and see what they've got. It's also my contention that the Iranians have 20% of the firepower that much of the world thinks they have - when you sift through their bullshit and look at what they actually have, there's miles between the two.

So in this instance, my repsonse to the Iranians would be: "Okay, we have your preconditions right here. Now, let us explain to you that we have one precondition before we exterminate your country from the face of the earth...and that is that you prove to the world that you have destroyed every last remnant of your nuclear facilities and capabilities."

Iran's Vice President Sets Two Preconditions for Talks with US

TEHRAN (FNA)- Vice President for Media Affairs Mehdi Kalhor said on Saturday that Iran has set two preconditions for holding talks with the United States of America.

In an exclusive interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency, he said as long as U.S. forces have not left the Middle East region and continues its support for the Zionist regime, talks between Iran and U.S. is off the agenda. It is the Americans who are in dire need of reestablishing ties with Iran, he underlined.

Iran is not obliged to reestablish ties with the U.S., he said. "If they take our advice, grounds for such talks would be well prepared," he said. It is stupidity to hold talks without any change in U.S. attitude, he underlined.


Anonymous said...

For iran to set two preconditions for talks with US is indeed laughable. And what conditions! I doubt the iranians even suspect what total idiots they look like to most of the world when they publish this type of thing.

On a more serious note, B. Hussein Obama has actually stated and it's well documented (no matter how much Biden lies to say Obama never said it) Obama says he would set no preconditions on meetings with terrorists!

Wake up America! Get out and vote. Do not allow this madman B. Hussein Obama to be elected.

Holger Awakens said...


You're exactly right about what Obama said and we both know he would be so eager to impress the whole damn world of his negotiating prowess, he'd make a fool of himself and an embarassment of our country.

We cannot let this thing get the Presidency. I can't wrap my mind about it.

:Holger Danske