Friday, October 10, 2008

Iran Sends Quds Force Official To Replace Mughniyeh At Hezbollah, Nasrallah Reaffirms Revenge Against Israel

Okay, there is a TON of stuff in this article here from The Daily Star including the announcement that an intelligence officer (Quds Force) from Iran is taking over for the assassinated kingpin Mughniyeh at Hezbollah in Lebanon. And at the same time, Hezbollah grand pubah has reaffirmed Hezbollah's intention for revenge for Mughniyeh's assassination and finally, there is good detail about more of the threats from both Israel and Hezbollah regarding a next war.

Here's some of those details:

Iran has sent an intelligence agency officer, Mohammad Rida Zahidi, to replace Hizbullah's top military commander Imad Mughniyeh who was assassinated in Damascus in February, Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported on Thursday. The paper added that Zahidi, who is nicknamed "Hassan Mahdawy," will coordinate between Hizbullah and the Syrian intelligence agencies, help build new locations in South Lebanon for military training and ensure the flow of weapons to Hizbullah.
Regarding Nasrallah's threats:

In a separate development, Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's much-promised retaliation for the assassination of Mughniyeh is reportedly coming. The daily Al-Akhbar, which is close to Hizbullah, said on Wednesday that Nasrallah renewed his vow to retaliate for the killing during a recent "semi-internal" meeting.

And regarding the threats about a new Israeli-Hezbollah war:

"What do they imagine Hizbullah 's reaction will be? They actually say it has 40,000 missiles ... Are they preparing for things that they have not considered and that others have not considered?" asked Al-Akhbar.
"Who said that Hizbullah does not think about all of the options which the enemy will use, including those which have been mentioned recently."
Senior Israeli military officers have said that if another war were to break out, Lebanon's army and civilian infrastructure would again be classified as legitimate targets. The remarks prompted condemnation from Hizbullah and Lebanese officials.

General Gadi Eisenkot said Israel was planning to "use disproportionate force" against villages from which Israel is fired on. "This isn't a suggestion," he said. "This is a plan that has already been authorized."
As far as the threats back and forth from Hezbollah and Israel regarding war preparations, I think Hezbollah is a bit nervous. I'm not sure if they sense it or not, but they better come to the realization that the whole return of Goldwasser and Regev to Israel created a furor in Israel and especially in the IDF. I, personally, think that a number of the Israeli military commanders would like nothing better than to avenge the murders of those two Israeli IDF troops and if Hezbollah doesn't fear that retaliation, they are in trouble.

Also, the Israelis learned something from the 2006 War. They learned that even though they gave up some very strategic advantages by trying to be careful not to bomb civilian areas of Lebanon, it ended up not mattering in the world opinion of the action. Israel saw them accused and found guilty of the very thing they sacrificed to avoid so this time around, I get the sense they've said the hell with it - we're going to destroy Hezbollah and what the world thinks, matters not.

Iran sent intelligence officer to replace Mughniyeh - Italian newspaper

Iran has sent an intelligence agency officer, Mohammad Rida Zahidi, to replace Hizbullah's top military commander Imad Mughniyeh who was assassinated in Damascus in February, Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported on Thursday. The paper added that Zahidi, who is nicknamed "Hassan Mahdawy," will coordinate between Hizbullah and the Syrian intelligence agencies, help build new locations in South Lebanon for military training and ensure the flow of weapons to Hizbullah.
Lebanese sources told the paper that Zahidi was responsible for the committee in charge of protecting Tehran's major figures and was the second secretary in the Iranian Embassy in Lebanon between 1998 and 2000.
In a separate development, Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's much-promised retaliation for the assassination of Mughniyeh is reportedly coming. The daily Al-Akhbar, which is close to Hizbullah, said on Wednesday that Nasrallah renewed his vow to retaliate for the killing during a recent "semi-internal" meeting.
There will be "no backing off from the decision to avenge the assassination of Hajj Mughniyeh," Nasrallah was quoted as saying, "and no backing off from carrying out the 'big surprise' against the enemy."
Nasrallah has promised Israel a "big surprise" if it attacks. On Monday, Al-Akhbar published a report that questioned whether Israel had factored the "surprise" into its decision-making process. Al-Akhbar made the comments in a piece published under the headline: "Israel is threatening to destroy Lebanon. What will happen to it during wartime?"
The newspaper, which usually uses reliable sources from within Hizbullah, warned that Israel needs to seriously consider the ramifications of a future attack on Lebanon.
"What do they imagine Hizbullah 's reaction will be? They actually say it has 40,000 missiles ... Are they preparing for things that they have not considered and that others have not considered?" asked Al-Akhbar.

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