Saturday, October 4, 2008

CAIR Using Courts Again For Soft Jihad: C.A.I.R. Asks IRS To Probe Group Distributing Anti-Jihad DVD

Well, the islamic terrorists at C.A.I.R. are at it again with another legal manuever to try and influence their soft jihad in America. This time, CAIR is going after the Clarion Group for distributing a dvd entitled, “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” - what CAIR is doing here is trying to spin their dislike for this dvd actually being in circulation with some lame legal mumbo jumbo that the Clarion Group is trying to influence the 2008 elections. I guess CAIR seems to think that Barack Obama represents the muslim vote in America and thus this video may sway voters from Obama? As my readers know, I will NOT link to CAIR's website so I have excerpted the entire article from CAIR's site below.

But just remember this folks, this is just another example of CAIR not trying to protect the rights of muslims in America - this is another example of CAIR trying to CHANGE your rights in America. CAIR does not wish the muslims of America to assimilate to the culture, traditions and laws of America but rather for Americans to assimilate to the laws and "religion" of Islam.

As I have stated many times, the offices of CAIR headquarters are inhabited by terrorists who support Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda. They have turned the American legal system into a suicide bomber's belt, they have used attorneys as IED's and they have used the MSM as their very own al Jezeera. And if you vote for Barack Obama, not only will you see CAIR's position in America strengthen, I am convinced you will see a CAIR member in the cabinet of Obama.

Here's the article:

CAIR Asks IRS to Probe Group Behind Swing State Anti-Muslim DVDs

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 9/30/08) - A prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group today said it has asked the IRS to investigate whether the non-profit organization behind distribution of an anti-Muslim film to 28 million homes in presidential election swing states has violated laws governing its tax-exempt status.
The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is urging the IRS to find out if the Clarion Fund, a shadowy non-profit group distributing DVDs of “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West,” is being “operated exclusively for the exempt purpose of educating ‘Americans about issues of national security’” as it claims.
In a letter to Steven T. Miller, commissioner of the IRS’s Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, CAIR wrote in part:
“[I]ndependent observers have suggested that the distribution of the DVD was an obvious attempt by the Clarion Fund to participate in campaign activities and intervene in the 2008 presidential election.”
The letter quoted the editorial page editor of the Palm Beach Post, who wrote: “Last week, an ad for John McCain came with The Post. But it wasn't labeled as an ad for John McCain…Distribution of the DVD, whose producers say it will ‘change the way you look at the world,’ was timed with the post-Labor Day start of presidential election season. About 95 percent of the papers that contained the DVD are in Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and New Hampshire…”
CAIR asked the IRS, if evidence of wrongdoing is uncovered, to consider stripping the Clarion Fund of its tax-exempt status, tax funds it spent on prohibited activities and impose an injunction on further political expenditures.
“A non-profit group’s tax-exempt status should not be misused to promote political candidates or to influence the outcome of an election,” said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad.
Awad noted that even those involved in the production and promotion of “Obsession” are now having second thoughts about backing what the vast majority of commentators are calling anti-Muslim “propaganda.”
The Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET), a pro-Israel think tank, pulled out of “The Obsession Project” after CAIR filed an FEC complaint seeking an investigation the Clarion Fund’s possible violations of election laws.

Dr. Khaleel Mohammed, a Muslim interviewee for “Obsession,” now calls the production a "vile piece of propaganda." In a statement sent to the website, Dr. Mohammed said: “Sadly, it would seem that I have allowed myself to be used.”
The “Obsession with Hate” site was launched recently by the Hate Hurts America Multifaith Community Coalition (HHA), a group of religious and civic organizations seeking to challenge hate speech in our society. HHA's site offers a point-by-point rebuttal to propagandistic claims made in the film, as well as a list of newspapers that delivered the film's DVD as an insert, a sampling of bigoted statements made by anti-Muslim figures interviewed for "Obsession," and examples of the overwhelmingly negative media coverage of the Clarion Fund's controversial campaign to influence voters.
A recent article in the St. Petersburg Times revealed ties between the film's distributors and the Israel-based group Aish HaTorah. The newspaper’s investigative report stated: “Clarion's address, according to Manhattan directory assistance, is the same address as Aish HaTorah International, a fundraising arm of Aish HaTorah. The Clarion Fund and Aish HaTorah International are also connected to a group called HonestReporting, which produced Obsession. Honest­Reporting's 2006 tax return uses the same address.”


Anonymous said...

I got mine, but since I already know about islam I sent it on to a moonbat friend of mine so that he could "know" about islam.

Holger Awakens said...


Shame on you....distributing that "hate" to others! hahaha

:Holger Danske

Anonymous said...

Excellent film. Have watched it multiple times, and I have recommended it to many. It's an extremely important film and a vitally important issue, and I urge all to check it out.