This is simply, unbelievable. We are what...7 years away from radical islam's murdering 3,000 innocent Americans and the Democratic candidate for Congress in the 5th District claims we have nothing to fear from radical islam. WTF is this guy thinking? And who the hell is going to vote for this moron? Here's the details from a nice post up at Redstate:
So there you have it folks...possibly a roommate for Keith Ellison in the House. If you know anyone that lives in Alabama, send them this link - get the word out in Alabama that this piece of shit has crapped on the memories of our innocents. Leave it to the Democrats to put this fool in a position to sit in the U.S. House of Representatives.
In Alabama's 5th Congressional District, Democratic candidate Parker Griffith is out to educate voters on who America's greatest enemy is.
According to Parker, "America's greatest enemy is America and its materialism." Note: I had it as "imperialism," but according to the source who provided it, it was "materialism" not "imperialism."
I think America's greatest enemy is America and its materialism.
And I think that . . . uh . . . we have nothing to fear from radical Islam. We have nothing to fear from any other religion if we are strong on our own beliefs. I don't fear radical Islam.
So there you have it folks...possibly a roommate for Keith Ellison in the House. If you know anyone that lives in Alabama, send them this link - get the word out in Alabama that this piece of shit has crapped on the memories of our innocents. Leave it to the Democrats to put this fool in a position to sit in the U.S. House of Representatives.
BREAKING: Democrat Candidate Says "America's Greatest Enemy Is America."
In Alabama's 5th Congressional District, Democratic candidate Parker Griffith is out to educate voters on who America's greatest enemy is.
According to Parker, "America's greatest enemy is America and its materialism." Note: I had it as "imperialism," but according to the source who provided it, it was "materialism" not "imperialism."
Speaking to the Colbert-Lauderdale Baptist Association on September 15th, Parker decided to give everyone a clue on where he stands. He was asked about radical Islam and its threat to the United States. Forgetting all about September 11th, the U.S.S. Cole bombing, Richard Reid, the coordinated plot to blow up American airlines over the Pacific, etc, Parker said the following:
I think America's greatest enemy is America and its materialism.
And I think that . . . uh . . . we have nothing to fear from radical Islam. We have nothing to fear from any other religion if we are strong on our own beliefs. I don't fear radical Islam.
There you have it. Another Democrat who thinks the only fear we have to fear is America itself.
The twist here is that Parker Griffith is running against a Republican who just might pick up this Democratic leaning seat. Wayne Parker is the the Republican candidate. Both Parker Griffith and Wayne Parker are trying to succeed Rep. Bud Cramer (D-AL).
Any bets that this will be completely ignored by the MSM?
There are days that I think the terrorists have successfully launched a chemical attack on the US. It only affects Democrats and makes them insane. Seems to be working.
anonymous...you're right, of course. The MSM will ignore this as they do 99% of terrorist related stories. The fact that this man is willing to sacrifice our nation's people up like lambs, is unimportant to the MSM.
Agreed. The Dems not only turn a blind eye to terrorism, they are inherently weak on national defense. That has been their demise in Presidential elections in the past and hopefully, this year as well.
:Holger Danske
Sadly, this dhimmicratic idiot will probably be reelected. They have no shame. Could anyone have imagined Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton's longtime National Security Advisor, stealing classified documents? With no repurcussions!
Or how about Democratic Rep. William Jefferson having $90k bribe money squirreled away in his freezer. They reelected him.
Or maybe the incompetent Nagin in NOLA who violated honest citizens 2nd amendment rights by stealing their firearms when armed thugs roamed their streets? Nagin's incompetence is legendary. He was reelected.
Who would have thought any of these would not have been thrown out on their ear. But when you have a perverted crook like Clinton in the White House - impeached but refuses to leave office - they and their liberal ilk have no shame. And the dhimmicrats take delight in their crooked, perverse leaders. It's a badge of honor.
But let an elected leader stand up and sound a warning, alerting the American people that there's danger in radical islam... well, anyone who says something like that must be a kook and racist. No danger, just go back to sleep.
If B. Hussein Obama, is elected, it will make these violations look like nothing.
Wake up, America. Do not elect the madman B. Hussein Obama.
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