Friday, September 5, 2008

Somali Islamists Shut Down/Destroy Restaurants For Ramadan Violations

The islamists in Somalia have begun an operation of shutting down restaurants in the country that have been serving food during the day and violating Ramadan's principles. The islamic observance of Ramadan basically consists of fasting throughout the day and supposedly, muslims are supposed to stop beheading people and blowing up children during those hours as well (I think it's okay to bomb a school bus full of children as long as it is dark out). Here's some of the report out of allAfrica:

Islamist fighters have forced several restaurants to close for Ramadan in middle Shabelle because it would "violate the sanctity" of the month.
Authorities said serving daily meals are contrary to the order of Ramadan and it has been blocked the opening of restaurants during daylight hours during the month of fasting.

The commander of Islamist fighters in Maxaas area where the incident happened Ali Bile has made it known that no-one will be permitted to violate the sanctity of the month.
"We will not forgive anyone who violates our religion and sanctity of Ramadan" Bile said.

Okay, so you are saying to yourself, "well yeah, but this is Somalia." But hold on one minute here. Let's internalize all of this for the United States of America. We have seen here in America a threat imposed upon the American people by the likes of C.A.I.R. and other islamic leadership that will make it a "hate crime" for an American to point out suspicious behavior on an airplane. We have seen colleges and universities and high schools sued for not serving proper islamic foods. We have seen foot baths erected in public buildings to accommodate islamists. And we have seen companies sued in America for not allowing muslim women in America to wear their hijabs.

So I ask the soft jihad of America continues day in and day you really think it will be that far-fetched that C.A.I.R. or another terrorist front group won't push the bar one day soon and try to get that neighborhood Applebee's closed during Ramadan?

And when do you think the first legal case will come up against serving alcohol in an establishment that serves muslims?

Yes, this story was about Somalia and if the restaurant operators fight the ban by the islamists, they would probably face arrest or beheading or a public flogging but in America, the islamists have utilized the soft jihad version of punishment - the U.S. legal system.

And if you think I'm smoking something, I ask you to look back about six months ago when C.A.I.R. in Michigan openly criticized Barack Obama for not coming out in defense of muslim-Americans. That was not a fluke - they were sending a message to our possible next President that he better hop on the bandwagon of appeasement and accomodation. Or else.

Somalia: Islamist Fighters Destroy Daily Restaurants in the Ramadan

Islamist fighters have forced several restaurants to close for Ramadan in middle Shabelle because it would "violate the sanctity" of the month.
Authorities said serving daily meals are contrary to the order of Ramadan and it has been blocked the opening of restaurants during daylight hours during the month of fasting.

Several daily restaurants in the Ramadan have also been detained by the Islamic fighters.
The commander of Islamist fighters in Maxaas area where the incident happened Ali Bile has made it known that no-one will be permitted to violate the sanctity of the month.
"We will not forgive anyone who violates our religion and sanctity of Ramadan" Bile said.
The start of the ninth and holiest month in the Muslim calendar is determined by the sighting of the new moon, which means Muslims in various countries begin Ramadan at dawn one different days.

Followers are required to abstain from food, drink and sex from dawn to dusk -- and ideally violence -- during the lunar month while gorging on sunset "iftar" meals rendered difficult for many by the global food crisis.

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