And now we have phase 2 of the soft jihad in America - the phase where universities and colleges will be a battleground of free speech and the islamists will fuel their jihad with claims of 1st Amdendment protection. This latest battle deals with a muslim student group at the University of Southern California that has put up on their university website the hadiths of the Qur'an that vividly speak to the killing of Jews as commanded by the asshat prophet, mohammed. The USC officials have banned those hadiths from the students' website and of course, now the students are all crying foul.
Here's some of the details from WorldNetDaily:
This tactic is becoming all too common by the islamists in America and when you get down to all of these groups calling for special protections for muslims, all of these groups filter back to the master planners of the soft jihad. Their aim is simple. They want America so desensitized to their slop...they want America so paranoid of calling them on the carpet...that eventually we will just allow it all. It happened in Sweden, it happened in Britain and it is happening in Canada and America now.
I commend the USC officials for this tough stance - I only hope they have the balls to stand up to a busload of ACLU lawyers.
Here's some of the details from WorldNetDaily:
Muslim students on the campus of the University of Southern California have condemned a school decision to take down certain hadiths – or sayings of Muhammad – that called for dead Jews and had been posted on a student group's website.What this represents is just another in the "numbification" of America by the islamists. Their outcry here shows they will not stop at anything to continue the process where America is subjected to countless attacks on how muslims are to be protected in this land. Anti-semitism is denounced in America and has been for quite some time, and what these islamists at this university are doing is taking the offensive and then playing the victim. Their violating anti-semitism is counter-acted by their cry of offense at being denied rights and thus, the violating anti-semitic rhetoric and hadith quotations are left protected.
"We are outraged at the censorship of a complete religious and classic text without consulting us or any religious authority first," the Muslim Student Union said in a prepared statement. "The 'compendium' is now incomplete. There are verses in many religious texts (be it the Torah or the New Testament) that when taken out of context can be taken as offensive."
The Muslim Student Union is the larger Muslim student group but is not associated with the MSA. Leaders declined Daily Trojan requests for an interview but issued a statement that Nikias' actions were unconscionable.
"USC, as a place of higher education, has prided itself on academic freedom and freedom of speech … The administration's actions have gone behind the backs of their students and we have been left in the dark," the student group stated.
The head of the David Horowitz Freedom Center told the newspaper similar statements permeate Muslim Student Association websites around the nation.
David Horowitz told the newspaper the MSA is "an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood."
This tactic is becoming all too common by the islamists in America and when you get down to all of these groups calling for special protections for muslims, all of these groups filter back to the master planners of the soft jihad. Their aim is simple. They want America so desensitized to their slop...they want America so paranoid of calling them on the carpet...that eventually we will just allow it all. It happened in Sweden, it happened in Britain and it is happening in Canada and America now.
I commend the USC officials for this tough stance - I only hope they have the balls to stand up to a busload of ACLU lawyers.
Muslims condemn censorship of hadiths seeking dead Jews
He approved the deletion of the statements because they urged Muslims to kill Jews. The statements were in a collection of hadiths, or historical sayings attributed to Muhammad although not included in the Quran.
The call for the deaths of unbelievers has become an issue even for some Muslims. In the new book, "Why We Left Islam," authors Susan Crimp and Joel Richardson profiled those who now would be under their old religion's sentence of death for abandoning Muhammad's teachings.
One of those whose testimony is included in the book, Ali, wrote, "The Quran is full of verses that teach killing of unbelievers and how Allah would torture them after they die."
The offending student group hadith had been posted on a USC server as part of the MSA website, which now is defunct, the report said.
Concerns had been raised by Rabbi Aron Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, who approached university trustee Alan Casden, the Daily Trojan said.
After a review by Nikias, he found the "passage cited is truly despicable … We did some investigations and have ordered the passage to be removed," the newspaper said.
The Muslim Student Union is the larger Muslim student group but is not associated with the MSA. Leaders declined Daily Trojan requests for an interview but issued a statement that Nikias' actions were unconscionable.
"USC, as a place of higher education, has prided itself on academic freedom and freedom of speech … The administration's actions have gone behind the backs of their students and we have been left in the dark," the student group stated.
The head of the David Horowitz Freedom Center told the newspaper similar statements permeate Muslim Student Association websites around the nation.
David Horowitz told the newspaper the MSA is "an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood."
The call to kill Jews, he said, "may be part of the religious canon, but that doesn't make them less hateful."
WND recently reported on a study that revealed one in three Muslims students in the United Kingdom approve killing for Islam.
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