Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Iran Whines About European Islamophobia, Asks For Conference To Be Cancelled

Get this - the Iranians, who are defying the entire civilized world's call to halt its production of nuclear weapons, the same Iranians that have called for the destruction of an entire nation, Israel, yes...the same Iranians who have threatened world attacks if they are interfered with...those same Iranians today got on the ground and threw a temper tantrum over a planned conference in Germany that the Persians claim is "anti-Islamic."

Here's the full story (brief as it is) out of YNET News:

Iran urges EU to stop "anti-Islamic" meet in Germany

Iran called on the French presidency of the European Union on Wednesday to prevent an "anti-Islamic congress" of right-wing groups from taking place in Germany later this month.

The official IRNA news agency said the French charge d'affaires in Tehran was summoned to the Foreign Ministry over the Islamic Republic's concern about a "growth in anti-Islam". (Reuters)

Don't you just want to look the Iranians in the face and simply ask them..."Give me ONE REASON why I SHOULDN'T be anti-Islam?"

I mean, I could fill up the blog pages here for a week with hundreds upon hundreds of reasons why any reasonable human being would be anti-islam. It would of course touch on terrorism, honor killings, sharia law, female gential circumcision, kidnapping, assassinations, and on...and on ...and on.

But I am curious. Can anyone give me one solid reason why I or any other Westerner should NOT be anti-islam? Rack your brain and come up with one positive thing that has come out of an islamic country in the past year (Iraq doesn't count). Show me some humanitarian side of islam, show me a peaceful islamic country, show me some evidence that islam is not evil.

I'm all ears.

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