Friday, August 22, 2008

Pakistani Government Demands Return of Afia Siddiqui From U.S.

The Pakistani government has terrorists overrunning their country, bombing their munitions factories, and yet they are spending days on government edicts demanding the release and return of a terrorist held in the U.S. awaiting trial. Just as a refresher, Afia Siddiqui is the female Pakistani who used to live in the U.S. who was arrested in Afghanistan for working with and for al Qaeda and while she was in an Afghan jail, she attempted to kill several U.S. military officials. And this is the kind of Pakistani that the new government wants in their midst?

Here's some of the details from GEO:

Pakistan's parliament Thursday demanded the immediate repatriation of a female scientist Afia Siddiqui held in the United States on charges of trying to kill US officials in Afghanistan, officials said.A resolution moved by Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi and adopted unanimously by the lower house also demanded immediate information on the whereabouts of Afia Siddiqui's three children, they said.

It demanded her "immediate repatriation."

So, here we have Pakistan, who is in essence providing safe haven for al Qaeda and Taliban forces who then cross back into Afghanistan to kill U.S. and NATO troops but they are up in arms about the U.S. trying this woman for shooting at and trying to kill U.S. military officials in Afghanistan? And we wonder why Pakistan is going to hell in a hand basket.

As I have said before about Siddiqui, she's just lucky she didn't end up with 50 holes in here after her attack in that Afghan jail and in my view, her conviction should bring her the death penalty - I personally would approve her execution be made available for the Pakistani parliament to view live.

Pakistan demands repatriation Afia Siddiqui

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's parliament Thursday demanded the immediate repatriation of a female scientist Afia Siddiqui held in the United States on charges of trying to kill US officials in Afghanistan, officials said.A resolution moved by Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi and adopted unanimously by the lower house also demanded immediate information on the whereabouts of Afia Siddiqui's three children, they said.Siddiqui, 36, disappeared from the Pakistani port city of Karachi in 2003 and featured on a list of US suspects linked to Al-Qaeda the following year.Parliament's move comes amid outrage in Pakistan over her arrest after members of her family insisted that the US-educated Siddiqui was innocent and accused US forces of secretly holding her for the last five years.The house called upon the government to "take up the matter with the US government urgently to provide her necessary medical attention including hospitalisation and regular access to Pakistan embassy officials."It demanded her "immediate repatriation."Siddiqui, who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was arrested on July 17 in Afghanistan, extradited to New York on August 4 and indicted the next day on a charge of attempted murder.She was wounded during an alleged shootout with FBI agents and US military officers when she was questioned in Afghanistan. A US court put her in medical care. She was on a 2004 US list of suspects linked to Al-Qaeda.


Anonymous said...

Sure lets send her back immediatly, in a standard A4 envelope. Remember, big fella, lately the taliwhackers are killing folks on both sides of that border now, so their decisions dont make much sense at all.

Holger Awakens said...

that's true Shark and I do agree with your idea of air mailing her back! haha

:Holger Danske