Believe me, The Huffington Post is not a common stop for me in my web surfing and it took every stomach muscle in me to halt the wretching from visiting the blog of the Shrew last night but I did find this story there written by James Zogby that is very telling. It's not only telling of the way Zogby has become a full-fledged mouthpiece for radical islam in America but it is telling about the foreign policy agenda of Senator Barack Hussein Obama - remember, Zogby was appointed as a member of Obama's foreign policy team of advisors. I want to show a few passages from Zogby's article over at HuffPo:
Notice in mentioning the President Bush response to 9/11, Zogby makes NO mention of the swift response against bin Laden and the Taliban in Afghanistan and he mentions international goodwill but doesn't mention the huge coalition that Bush put together to avenge the attacks.
More from the article:
Now, the importance of all of this is that Zogby has the ear of Obama. It's like C.A.I.R. having an office in the White House. Zogby is a mouthpiece for jihad and that my friends is a dangerous element in any presidential candidate's inner circle.
And let's look at Zogby's plan to create a special protective bubble for islamist jihadists in America...look at this section of the HuffPo article:
Just as a reminder as you read the entire fairy tale put forth here by James Zogby, that he is in Obama's inner circle of advisors. You tell me, does this sound like a man patriotic to America or does this sound like a puppet for the jihadists wishing to destroy America?
Finally, look at this reference to Zogby's plan for the Middle East:
See that? Zogby calls for "the creation of....Israel and Palestine..." But Israel is already created, right? The nation of Israel already exists with borders, right? Not in Zogby's mind - what he is insinuating is that Israel be dismantled and a new state createad - and I'm sure in his Arab mind, that new Israel would occupy 1 square mile in the middle of the Dead Sea.
This is a dangerous man, folks. This man is a tool. If you cut him, he bleeds Arab. If you criticize him, he speaks jihad. And he sits in a chair next to Barack Hussein Obama whispering in his ear.....
Nowhere has misguided Bush administration policy been more evident than their behavior in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, when, in response to this crisis, the administration undertook domestic and foreign policies that have shredded our Constitution and squandered international goodwill, while engaging in an ill-conceived unilateral war that has left us at greater risk in a world that has rejected our leadership.
Notice in mentioning the President Bush response to 9/11, Zogby makes NO mention of the swift response against bin Laden and the Taliban in Afghanistan and he mentions international goodwill but doesn't mention the huge coalition that Bush put together to avenge the attacks.
More from the article:
As Arab Americans, we feel the effect of these misguided policies acutely. As a community that maintains close ties to the Middle East, where the United States was once revered, we are stung by anti-American anger, and the disgrace brought to our nation by Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, and torture. At the same time, recent Arab immigrants have been profiled, detained and deported without due process. The values that we once projected to the world and protected at home, we now see degraded. And because of family ties and history, we have felt, personally, the traumas visited on Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine.I'm going to tear this down bit by bit. First off, a big reminder by Zogby that he is an ARAB American - he's an Arab first and a non-assimilating American second. He mentions the United States "was once revered" in the Middle East - since when, numbnuts?!! Since the inception of the country of Israel, the U.S. has been Israel's staunchest western ally and the U.S. has thus been on the hit list of all Arabs - has Zogby forgotten that? Zogby then goes on to point out Abu Ghraib, Gitmo and torture - well, perhaps Zogby needs a lesson on how you fight a war against terrorists and in case he has really forgotten, those poor, poor Arabs ARE terrorists and were killing American soldiers. Gitmo was, at one time, full of jihadists linked to the massacre of 9/11 but of course, Zogby wants those jihadists released as heroes. And then in the final sentence, Zogby reminds us all of where his loyalty lies.
Now, the importance of all of this is that Zogby has the ear of Obama. It's like C.A.I.R. having an office in the White House. Zogby is a mouthpiece for jihad and that my friends is a dangerous element in any presidential candidate's inner circle.
And let's look at Zogby's plan to create a special protective bubble for islamist jihadists in America...look at this section of the HuffPo article:
Because we have become so deeply concerned by the erosion of basic civil liberties and the loss of civility in our national discourse, we urge you to:Zogby is using the term "civil liberties" here to try and connect with Americans but it is a farce of a link - what he is really doing is continuing to further the agenda of a ban of any behavior in America that reflects islamophobia. Zogby is trying to contend that when American Homeland Security infiltrates and monitors jihad cells in America, they are using "regligious profiling." He points out "hate crimes" - this is the soft jihad strategy that will make it impossible for ANY behaviour by a muslim in America to be prosecuted. If a muslim bombs a grocery store in Flint, Michigan...people like Zogby will have set it up that any persecution of that bomber will be persecution of his religious rights.
1) Make clear that we will work to restore the balance between protecting civil liberties and national security at home, and that abroad we will honor American values and our treaty obligations. We should specifically call for an end to all racial, ethnic and religious profiling. We must also make clear our commitment to the rule of law including an end to torture, the closure of Guantanamo Bay, and an end to warrantless surveillance.
2) Make clear we will reject the demagogues who seek to divide us, and who specifically target Arab Americans and American Muslims; that hate crimes should be punished; and that efforts must be made to strengthen our sense of national community by promoting respect for all faiths and ethnicities.
Just as a reminder as you read the entire fairy tale put forth here by James Zogby, that he is in Obama's inner circle of advisors. You tell me, does this sound like a man patriotic to America or does this sound like a puppet for the jihadists wishing to destroy America?
Finally, look at this reference to Zogby's plan for the Middle East:
This diplomacy should ensure the creation of two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, living side-by-side in peace and security
See that? Zogby calls for "the creation of....Israel and Palestine..." But Israel is already created, right? The nation of Israel already exists with borders, right? Not in Zogby's mind - what he is insinuating is that Israel be dismantled and a new state createad - and I'm sure in his Arab mind, that new Israel would occupy 1 square mile in the middle of the Dead Sea.
This is a dangerous man, folks. This man is a tool. If you cut him, he bleeds Arab. If you criticize him, he speaks jihad. And he sits in a chair next to Barack Hussein Obama whispering in his ear.....
My Message to the Democrats
On Friday, August first, I was invited to testify before the committee writing the 2008 platform for the Democratic Party. An excerpt from my testimony follows:
I am Arab American. My family came to this great country from Lebanon almost a century ago. They, like hundreds of thousands of other Arab immigrants, came because of the freedom America promised, and the opportunity it provided.
We approach this election, profoundly aware of its importance. Like most Americans, we know that the past eight years have been devastating for our nation. The recklessness and neglect demonstrated by the Bush Administration have taken a toll.
At home, we face a shrinking economy, and a loss of confidence in our institutions and our future. As a result, for many, the American dream that inspired millions is in danger of becoming out of reach. And many Americans in the middle class are no longer confident that their children will be able to match their standard of living.
In the face of these great challenges, the Bush administration has displayed the characteristics that have become their hallmarks: neglect when action might have made a difference; ignoring reality and, instead, imposing ideologically-based policy when they do act; and, when they inevitable fail, either working to change the subject or dumbing down the definition of victory.
Nowhere has misguided Bush administration policy been more evident than their behavior in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, when, in response to this crisis, the administration undertook domestic and foreign policies that have shredded our Constitution and squandered international goodwill, while engaging in an ill-conceived unilateral war that has left us at greater risk in a world that has rejected our leadership.
Because we are deeply troubled by the neglectful and reckless policies pursued by the Bush administration that have left the Middle East in shambles and America less secure, we support and call for:
1) A responsible end to the war in Iraq, working with the Iraqi people to achieve political reform and national reconciliation. More must be done by all parties to support refugees and internally displaced persons. In addition, particular attention must be paid to the tens of thousands who worked with the United States and now as a result find themselves at risk.
2) An active and determined diplomatic engagement that strengthens to the commitment of all parties to achieve a just, lasting and comprehensive resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, working toward a two-state solution while being attentive to impediments on the ground that make such an outcome more difficult. This diplomacy should ensure the creation of two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, living side-by-side in peace and security - a Palestine that is viable, contiguous, sovereign and independent alongside an Israel that has secure, recognized and defensible boarders -- and recognize that the final status of Jerusalem, along with other outstanding issues, should be negotiated between Israel and Palestine with the constructive support of the United States.
3) Support for the continued efforts of the Lebanese people to achieve reform, reconciliation and national unity; work to strengthen the Lebanese army and develop other national institutions; and encourage the implementation of all U.N. reforms.
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