Sunday, August 31, 2008

Insurgent 101: We Call The AH-6 "Little Bird" - You Can Call It "Hell"


Anonymous said...

That's an MH-60L Direct Action Penetrator, not an AH-6.

Anonymous said...

What was the target and what did it cost to destroy it?

Anonymous said...

Those were DAPS not Little Birds and if it saved one US life then it's worth it

Anonymous said...

The cost to destroy it? Probably a libertard or two that used to sleep safely at night while others were protecting their freedom.

Holger Awakens said...

anonymous #1 - thanks for the clarification - sometimes the LiveLeak set up isn't right.

anonymous #2 - that was an al Qaeda in Iraq target and I could care less what it cost to kill every one of the scum.

:Holger Danske

Anonymous said...

The amount of "treasure" that was expended is totally irrevelent. This war is costing a bundle, but in no way is it impacting our economy, our economy is very strong and even the recent hikes in fuel and energy have not brought us down, and they are a far bigger problem. Ever since the civil war back in the 1860's America has been for exending THINGS not people. The cost of two or three lives of American troops to clear out that nest of vipers would have been outragous, that we spent money to blow them to paradise was money well spent. So you latte sippers please just sit down and shut up, while brave young men and women fight for YOUR freedoms as well as others.

Holger Awakens said...


very well said, sir.

:Holger Danske