Now, the Iranians are even having the likes of Hezbollah make threats for them. This is a brief article out of YNET, so I'll excerpt the whole thing here:
Okay, first of all, I wonder if this Hezbollah asshat meant missiles and not rockets. Can a rocket fired from Iran make it to Israel? Or maybe he was referring to Hezbollah rockets being fired at Israel?
Either way, it's pretty much a weekly occurence for some Iranian clown or now, some surrogate of theirs to make some threat at Israel. The bottom line is that the threat of Israel making a run at the Iranian nukes is looking bleaker and bleaker, in my view. We have the combination of the Bush Administration not wanting to start something so close to the exit of the U.S. President and at the same time, you have a transition happening in Israel next month as Olmert steps down and a new leader takes over.
Now, I want to believe that the plans of Israel are all set and waiting for the go ahead and as is usually the case, the Israelis will strike when you least expect it...so perhaps I have fallen into the trap that the Israelis just don't look likely to strike while they sudddenly do. I hope so.
Hizbullah: Iran will hit back if Israel attacks
Israel will be targeted by thousands of rockets if it attacks Iran, a senior official in the Tehran-backed group Hizbullah said on Sunday.
"The first shot fired from the Zionist entity towards Iranwill be met by a response of 11,000 rockets in the direction of the Zionist entity. This is what military leaders in the Islamic republic have confirmed," said Mohammed Raad, the head of Hizbullah's parliamentary bloc. (Reuters)
Okay, first of all, I wonder if this Hezbollah asshat meant missiles and not rockets. Can a rocket fired from Iran make it to Israel? Or maybe he was referring to Hezbollah rockets being fired at Israel?
Either way, it's pretty much a weekly occurence for some Iranian clown or now, some surrogate of theirs to make some threat at Israel. The bottom line is that the threat of Israel making a run at the Iranian nukes is looking bleaker and bleaker, in my view. We have the combination of the Bush Administration not wanting to start something so close to the exit of the U.S. President and at the same time, you have a transition happening in Israel next month as Olmert steps down and a new leader takes over.
Now, I want to believe that the plans of Israel are all set and waiting for the go ahead and as is usually the case, the Israelis will strike when you least expect it...so perhaps I have fallen into the trap that the Israelis just don't look likely to strike while they sudddenly do. I hope so.
They know that the time draws near, when Israel has no choice, when it finally dawns on the current leadership that diplomacy is useless against the islamic thugs.
I have to believe, Shark, that the Israelis have found the Iranian nuke sites to be more troublesome than they thought and that they really want U.S. blessing on this as the Iranians could get nasty with troop bases in Iraq and some targets in the Gulf. I'm not sure Israel things they need help so much as they are worried about retribution towards the U.S. for their action.
:Holger Danske
The alternative to waiting too long is Mushroom clouds over Tel Aviv and Haifa. Collateral damage to us in the region may become an acceptable risk to them, but it would sure mean the absolute end to Iran. We may just have to take the risk of them attacking Iran. Would be so much better if it were a joint effort.
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