I'm pleased to present another Guest Holger Diaries article written by Chicagodudewhotrades (CDWT)...this one an excellent look at what Hezbollah is actually up to in southern Lebanon and some great insights as to who and what is fueling the Hezbollah war machine. The rearming of Hezbollah in Lebanon is probably the second biggest threat to Israel other than the future nuclear weapons in Iran and it is critical that the world sees exactly what Hezbollah has planned and how they are subtly accomplishing their goals. Just yesterday, the Hezbollah commander in southern Lebanon stated that they are "stronger than ever" so let's take a look at how CDWT has laid out their plans:
I have noticed a disturbing trend to Hezbollah activity in southern Lebanon. It looks like Hezbollah is buying a lot of land in Southern Lebanon. This trend is not new and the implications are worrisome. Hezbollah is a global terrorist group who's stated mission in life is to wipe the State of Israel off the map.
First of all, lets start at the beginning and think about these Hezbollah land purchases. Land costs money. Where does a terrorist group get the substantial money to do this? It looks like there are 3 main sources for Hezbollah funds:
*Money from Iran
*Money from Criminal Enterprises
*Money raised from Legitimate and illegitimate charities
Here is a good link about Hezbollah finances:
Key point to note in that report is that Iran gives Hezbollah at least $100 million a year. That figure alone could buy a lot of Lebanese land. But when you tie it together with their other financing, It spells a lot of trouble.
One aspect of Hezbollah financing that is barely mentioned in the above report is the possibility of Iran/Hezbollah counterfeiting US money:
Just to toss a quick thought out there is to think about the sad state of Iran's economy. There is high unemployment and inflation in Iran. If it is true that Iran gives huge amounts of money to Hezbollah instead of spending it on the nation's own domestic needs, I'd say this is a pretty good indication of the Iranian leadership's priorities. A folow-on thought is to ask why. This could be a indicator that Iran is scared of the possibility of US/Israel airstrikes on its nuclear program, and is looking at a way to hit Israel in retaliation.
Here is a good link about the ties between Iran and hezbollah:
And another link about Iranian financing of Hezbollah activities in Lebanon:
Why would hezbollah move into villages and hilltops in southern Lebanon? I'll look into Hezbollah moving into villages first. The reason is very simple. The UN's peacekeeping regional peace-keeping force , UNIFIL, does not have a legal mandate to enter villages without Lebanese Army escort. think I'm joking? Here is the link:
Why would Hezbollah take up positions on various heights in Southern Lebanon? That is the first rule of Military doctrine. When you control the high ground, you control the area. It is that simple.
Here is a link dump on Hezbollah activity in the area:
What can hezbollah do with all the territory they now control? How about continuing to fire missiles into Israel?
Information on Hezbollah's missile arsenal:
You may be asking how all of this Hezbollah activity can happen right under the nose of the Lebanese government? Well, that is because Hezbollah pretty much tells the government what to do:
Now here is where it gets really scary for Israel and the region. If a major terror group taking over large areas of territory isn't bad enough,let's throw possible use of Biological weapons into the mix:
Is there any good news to mention? It doesn't look like it.
To wrap up, it looks like hezbollah is moving into Southern Lebanon in force. They are building positions on key area heights and moving into many villages. They are a group that wants to wipe Israel off the map. There will be another conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. But this time it will be way bloodier than in 2006.
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