Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Student Tour Group Reprimanded For Singing National Anthem

Good grief. What in the sam hell is happening to this country? A student group touring the California State Capitol were reprimanded by security there for breaking out into a spontaneous singing of our Country's nation anthem. Apparently, you need a "permit" to sing the Star Spangled Banner in California? Here's the details from One News Now:

Officials at the California State Capitol are under fire for stopping a student tour group from singing the national anthem in the capitol rotunda.

Launch into an a cappella version of the Star Spangled Banner in the California State Capitol and a group could find themselves facing Capitol Security and officers of the California Highway Patrol. And that is what happened, says Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, when a group of students touring the capitol, as part of the "City on a Hill" education program, spontaneously began to sing the national anthem. "Upon hearing the students, a security guard there silenced them and said that they could not sing the national anthem unless they had a special permit to do so," explains Dacus. "This was an egregious abuse of discretion and a violation of the First Amendment rights of these students to be able to express patriotism and their love for their country."
I imagine if the students had dropped to the floor, thrown out prayer mats and begun chanting loud prayers to allah, they wouldn't have been bothered. But sing the national anthem of your home country on a government property, and you are halted. Insanity.

I have spoken before of the signs of the Left's conquest over First Amendment rights as well as the soft jihadi attack on the U.S. that utilizes government regulation to further their aims. We have talked about how the muslim advocacy groups in the U.S. have tried to make it illegal to report suspicious behavior on an airplane and how their every effort is made to create a syndrome of "hate crimes" in every aspect of muslim interaction in this country.

The Left has cowed to the voice of all that stands against the morals and values of our country - they have followed the atheistic agenda of removing any form of religious observance from the public place, they have censored the words of people in print and media, and they have placed the interests of special interest groups ahead of the majority.

Don't be misled - the walls of our Republic are being torn down, brick by brick. Don't be fooled by the slippery words of the Left - they are intent on tearing down the United States so they can rebuild it in their Marxist model. If you doubt me, go to a city council meeting in your hometown this evening and offer up a public prayer and see what happens. The nation of America has been and will be under constant attack from the socialists and communists of our land and unlike the days of McCarthy, we don't have to hold hearings to identify them - we simply need to look at those leading Congress and running for President of the United States.

Students reprimanded for singing national anthem

Officials at the California State Capitol are under fire for stopping a student tour group from singing the national anthem in the capitol rotunda.

Launch into an a cappella version of the Star Spangled Banner in the California State Capitol and a group could find themselves facing Capitol Security and officers of the California Highway Patrol. And that is what happened, says Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, when a group of students touring the capitol, as part of the "City on a Hill" education program, spontaneously began to sing the national anthem. "Upon hearing the students, a security guard there silenced them and said that they could not sing the national anthem unless they had a special permit to do so," explains Dacus. "This was an egregious abuse of discretion and a violation of the First Amendment rights of these students to be able to express patriotism and their love for their country."

Dacus adds the singing was not planned in advance and was not, in any sense of the word, a protest. "These students were not being disruptive in any way of anything that was taking place. There was no other event going on. There was no function of government that was being interrupted," he contends.

He argues that "[s]uch spontaneous expression of love should never, ever be stifled by government when it's in no way creating a disturbance of any kind...." Pacific Justice Institute sent a letter to the Chief Sergeant at Arms for the Capitol informing him that citizens have a First Amendment right to express themselves in the capitol rotunda as long as they are not being disruptive, and that any future attempt to interfere with that right will result in appropriate legal action.

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