Sunday, July 6, 2008

Israel/Hezbollah Prisoner Swap's First Phase To Happen Thursday

Okay, originally I was all for this prisoner swap as I know the importance of bringing home their own is to the Israelis, but then, as I read more and more of the account of the brutal murders committed by Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar, the more I changed my mind...eventually coming to the conclusion that this was not worth it. Go ahead do the exchange for hundreds of Pali prisoners or as many Hezbollah as you want, but never, EVER let Kuntar go.

And now I read the account of the "three phases" of the prisoner exhange between Israel and Hezbollah, with the first coming on Thursday and my blood is boiling. How in the hell can Olmert justify the phased sequence of this? If you haven't seen it, read it and weep - here it is from the article at Haaretz:

The exchange is to occur over three phases, the first of which will include the release of Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar and three other prisoners, according to the Ma'an report. According to the report, the second phase will begin six days later and the third a few days after that. The report does not detail under which phase Hezbollah will release captured Israeli reservists Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev.
I'm blown away by this. The Israelis release this madman, Kuntar, and then six days later, they hope that Hezbollah will release Goldwasser and Regev (more than likely their bodies).

First of all, this is a humiliation for the Israelis for them to have to release the killer of Jewish children. Now, to further the humiliation, the Israelis have to release Kuntar FIRST! I'm convinced that the reason there are three phases to this and why Kuntar is being released is this - in the second phase, the body of either Goldwasser or Regev will be released showing a body that basically was killed during the capture. The final phase is to happen last because I firmly believe it will show the other body, had lived for much longer and that he was tortured. The Israelis will determine this after the exchange and if this had happened first, they would not have released Kuntar.

This is deplorable - there has to be a way for the Israelis to make the scum of Hezbollah pay for this after the exchanges are done. If my hypothesis is correct, there will be an outcry in Israel and there should be the same from the entire World.

Israel set to exhume bodies of Hezbollah dead

Israel will begin exhuming the bodies of Hezbollah fighters buried in the north ahead of a swap deal with the Lebanon-based guerrilla group, which has been holding two Israeli soldiers for nearly two years, a military official said on Sunday. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the army would begin exhuming the bodies on Monday. The Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported on Sunday that the first phase of a prisoner swap between Israel and the Lebanon-based Hezbollah militant group would begin as early as Thursday.

The exchange is to occur over three phases, the first of which will include the release of Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar and three other prisoners, according to the Ma'an report. According to the report, the second phase will begin six days later and the third a few days after that. The report does not detail under which phase Hezbollah will release captured Israeli reservists Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev. In an indication the exchange may be imminent, Major-General Gabi Eizenkot, the IDF officer in charge implementing the swap declared a cemetery in the north where the bodies of enemy fighters are buried to be a "closed military zone."

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