Oh boy, another Iranian pipsqueak grabs a microphone in Tehran and talks big. It's like a damn daily occurence but I keep posting them so that when the whole thing is over, I can send the montage over to what's left of that inbred country and laugh my ass off. Here's what a putz aide to the Ayatollah had to say to the Revolutionary Guards, from the Reuters piece here:
Did you see that? "No army in the world can confront it..." Hahahaha! That's right Shirazi, that's why your "army" hasn't fought a war since the Iraq war where Saddam Hussein came damn close to turning you into a Baathist. That's also the reason why you have to pay Hamas and Hezbollah to fight your battles. You're a clown, shithead.
To quote the line from the movie, "Midnight Express": "You're a pig! You're a pig! You're all pigs! You're whole country is pigs!"
That about says it all.
"The first bullet fired by America at Iran will be followed by Iran burning down its vital interests around the globe," the students news agency ISNA quoted Ali Shirazi as saying in a speech to Revolutionary Guards.
The Zionist regime is pressuring White House officials to attack Iran. If they commit such a stupidity, Tel Aviv and U.S. shipping in the Persian Gulf will be Iran's first targets and they will be burned," Shirazi was quoted as saying.
"The Iranian nation will never accept bullying. The Iranian nation is a nation of believers which believes in jihad and martyrdom. No army in the world can confront it," he added.
Did you see that? "No army in the world can confront it..." Hahahaha! That's right Shirazi, that's why your "army" hasn't fought a war since the Iraq war where Saddam Hussein came damn close to turning you into a Baathist. That's also the reason why you have to pay Hamas and Hezbollah to fight your battles. You're a clown, shithead.
To quote the line from the movie, "Midnight Express": "You're a pig! You're a pig! You're all pigs! You're whole country is pigs!"
That about says it all.
Iran to "hit Tel Aviv, U.S. ships" if attacked
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran will hit Tel Aviv, U.S. shipping in the Gulf and American interests around the world if it is attacked over its disputed nuclear activities, an aide to Iran's Supreme Leader was quoted as saying on Tuesday.
"The first bullet fired by America at Iran will be followed by Iran burning down its vital interests around the globe," the students news agency ISNA quoted Ali Shirazi as saying in a speech to Revolutionary Guards.
The United States and its allies suspect Iran is trying to build nuclear bombs. Tehran says its program is peaceful.
"The Zionist regime is pressuring White House officials to attack Iran. If they commit such a stupidity, Tel Aviv and U.S. shipping in the Persian Gulf will be Iran's first targets and they will be burned," Shirazi was quoted as saying.
Shirazi, a mid-level cleric, is Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's representative to the Revolutionary Guards.
"The Iranian nation will never accept bullying. The Iranian nation is a nation of believers which believes in jihad and martyrdom. No army in the world can confront it," he added.
In Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's spokesman, Mark Regev, declined to comment on the threat to hit Tel Aviv, saying only: "Shirazi's words speak for themselves."
Israel, believed to be the Middle East's only nuclear-armed power, has vowed to prevent Iran from acquiring an atomic bomb. The United States says it wants to resolve the dispute by diplomacy but has not ruled out military action.
Remember, the winner of a war is the one who finishes it.
Hey, stop insulting pigs by comparing them to iranian madmen.
agreed sigfried and if the U.S. and/or Israel finishes the war with Iran, there won't be much left of fabled "Persia."
LOL iranwho! My apologies to the swine of this world.
:Holger Danske
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