I knew it was going to be a disaster eventually when Gordon Brown took over at the helm of Great Britain, I just didn't know HOW big a disaster. Well, the surrender king, Brown, who almost set off a new civil war in Basra, Iraq when he decided to pull his British troops out of that city, has now finally made it official: He is insane. Let's take a look at what Breitbart has to say:
Where to begin here. Let me just break it down for old, Gordo:
1. First off, the West...the EU...has had only one ally in the whole Middle East over the past 20, 30, 40 years and that has been Israel. And this is how you treat your allies?
2. Brown says that "economics are key to Mideast peace" - in other words, since Israel has their act together and is self sufficient and the palis are a bunch of lazy ass moronic leeches, the world should penalize the successful and reward the sloths. You'd make a helluva contender for the Democratic Presidential nominee here in the States, Gordo.
3. Well, economics aren't the key to peace in the Middle East, Brown, terrorism is. The fact that Hamas and Hezbollah operate daily at Israeli borders and inside of them is the reason there is no peace in the Middle East, and since fools like you, Brown, continue to pump $$$ into the hands of the worthless palestinians, you in essence fund terrorism and the cycle goes on and on and on.
4. No Middle Eastern country has reached out to seriously help the Palestinians - and those are fellow Arab countries - because the palis are lepers. They are a bunch of sadistic charlatains who have pulled off the biggest scam in world history. Each and every year, Western leaders, fools like Gordon Brown, buy into this "guilt" over the poor palestinians. Mahmoud Abbas is a master of deception and he has turned Brown in a puppet like the rest.
This bodes very badly for the Israelis - they now have the Brits rallying for the palis and there's a better than 50-50 chance that the U.S. could elect the least supportive President in history. The Israelis are in real danger here because the palis continue to pull the wool over the eyes of these moronic Western leaders.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown demanded Sunday that Israel cease settlement construction and promised more money to jump-start the battered Palestinian economy.
In his first trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories as Britain's leader, Brown repeatedly stressed that economics are key to Mideast peace, and said Israel should ease travel restrictions in the West Bank that have hindered commerce.
But his strongest comments were reserved for the settlements: "I think the whole European Union is very clear on this matter: We want to see a freeze on settlements."
Where to begin here. Let me just break it down for old, Gordo:
1. First off, the West...the EU...has had only one ally in the whole Middle East over the past 20, 30, 40 years and that has been Israel. And this is how you treat your allies?
2. Brown says that "economics are key to Mideast peace" - in other words, since Israel has their act together and is self sufficient and the palis are a bunch of lazy ass moronic leeches, the world should penalize the successful and reward the sloths. You'd make a helluva contender for the Democratic Presidential nominee here in the States, Gordo.
3. Well, economics aren't the key to peace in the Middle East, Brown, terrorism is. The fact that Hamas and Hezbollah operate daily at Israeli borders and inside of them is the reason there is no peace in the Middle East, and since fools like you, Brown, continue to pump $$$ into the hands of the worthless palestinians, you in essence fund terrorism and the cycle goes on and on and on.
4. No Middle Eastern country has reached out to seriously help the Palestinians - and those are fellow Arab countries - because the palis are lepers. They are a bunch of sadistic charlatains who have pulled off the biggest scam in world history. Each and every year, Western leaders, fools like Gordon Brown, buy into this "guilt" over the poor palestinians. Mahmoud Abbas is a master of deception and he has turned Brown in a puppet like the rest.
This bodes very badly for the Israelis - they now have the Brits rallying for the palis and there's a better than 50-50 chance that the U.S. could elect the least supportive President in history. The Israelis are in real danger here because the palis continue to pull the wool over the eyes of these moronic Western leaders.
Britain's Brown demands end to Israel settlements
BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown demanded Sunday that Israel cease settlement construction and promised more money to jump-start the battered Palestinian economy.
In his first trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories as Britain's leader, Brown repeatedly stressed that economics are key to Mideast peace, and said Israel should ease travel restrictions in the West Bank that have hindered commerce.
But his strongest comments were reserved for the settlements: "I think the whole European Union is very clear on this matter: We want to see a freeze on settlements."
"Settlement expansion has made peace harder to achieve. It erodes trust, it heightens Palestinian suffering, it makes the compromises Israel needs to make for peace more difficult," Brown said at a news conference with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank town of Bethlehem.
Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said he would reserve comment on Brown's remarks until the British leader meets with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Jerusalem later Sunday.
Abbas went further in his criticism of Israel's construction in disputed east Jerusalem and the adjacent West Bank, telling Brown that Israel lacks commitment to the "principles and spirit" of Mideast peace efforts. He singled out stepped-up construction of homes for Jews in areas of Jerusalem the Palestinians claim for their capital.
Israel and the Palestinians resumed peace talks late last year at a U.S.-backed conference in Annapolis, Md. Both sides had originally aspired to reach a final peace deal by the end of the year, but have backed away from that goal somewhat because of arguments over settlements and whether the Palestinians are capable of enforcing security in areas they control.
Under the first phase of the internationally backed "road map" peace plan, which forms the basis of the negotiations, Israel was to freeze all settlement construction and the Palestinians were to crack down on militant groups.
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