Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Al Qaeda Tells All Of Its Operatives In Saudi Arabia To Leave Immediately

This is like the shortest story on the internet right now so I'll excerpt it all here below, it comes from The Memri Blog:

Al-Qaeda Orders Its Operatives In Saudi Arabia To Leave The Country

Against the backdrop of the marking of five years since the May 12, 2003 attack in Saudi Arabia, Al-Qaeda has sent a message over the Internet to its operatives in Saudi Arabia calling on them "to leave the country for Yemen, lest [you] be killed or arrested by Saudi security forces."

Now, call me a skeptic but I tend to be that way with most islamists and certainly the jihadists of al Qaeda, but something is fishy here. First of all, I believe this is an encoded message that basically means for al Qaeda personnel to get to Yemen immediately for jihad, NOT because they are under a threat from the Saudi security forces. Secondly, if their people in Saudi Arabia truly were under such a big threat, why would they SPECIFICALLY tell them to go to Yemen? Why not just say "get out?" Al Qaeda operatives in Saudi Arabia could go to Gaza, Iraq, Jordan...hell, a host of other areas...northern Africa, Somalia...but no, this announcement specifically spells out Yemen.

And I believe the reason is that al Qaeda leaders think they have a better than average chance of taking over in Yemen. Yemen has been rocked by terrorism lately - what they call a government in Yemen is a shambles and there are daily reports of riots, attacks and a whole host of insurgency there. I think al Qaeda sees Yemen as their chance for a stab at what the Taliban did in Afghanistan.

My other reasoning is that this was a method of sending that message/request for help in Yemen across the world - an al Qaeda in Egypt could read this and simply know that he is needed in Yemen.

We have seen al Qaeda TROUNCED in Iraq yet we still have not seen them flee the country - I find it hard to believe that some intel about some Saudi operations against there people would incite this order to flee. This is a call to arms, not a call to retreat.


Mablung said...

Your analysis is right on target as usual, Holger.

BTW, I've gotten myself into a project that you may find interesting.

Here is a post I made yesterday on the jihadi SMACKDOWN of the day, a new tool we started to help counter the cyber-jihad.

Holger Awakens said...

Hey celebrimbor,

Good to see you again. I checked out the Smackdown and it's great! I did add the feed of it onto my right side bar.

Oh, I also have added the GotWarPorn blog to my blog roll. Always great to see you here.

:Holger Danske

Mablung said...

Thanks for helping spread the word!