There is a great article written by Ruth King here at Family Security Matters that details the true reasons for the ongoing jihad against the Israelis. There is one sentence that King writes that strikes me:
What is important to take note of here is this: the Iranians, the Syrians, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah - NONE of them have one iota of interest in the palestinians having a state. They could care less. They have one interest only and that is following the command of mohammed to crush and destroy the Jews. The fact that Israel exists is the basis of all jihad. And one day, the world will either wake up to see this fact or the world will fall onto its prayer mat, face east and realize it's far too late.
The Arabs, wealthy or poor, adjoining Israel or at a distance, all are determined to destroy Israel and Islam fuels their fanatic hatred.King makes the argument that although much of the world, and even Israel has bought into this charade that the islamists are driven by a border dispute in palestine, the truth of the matter is that the ideology of islam fuels the attack on Israel and Judaism. More from the article:
Israel has averted its eye from the reality of Jihad; from the long and bitter history of Arab oppression starting with the Arab conquest of 600 A.D.; from the Muslim and Arab complicity in the Holocaust and the blood libels which even now permeate Arab/Muslim media, sermons, textbooks and rhetoric in every Arab country including those which have signed peace treaties with Israel.Ruth King goes on to spell out the true intentions of the islamists and one of the interesting factors she points out is the almost prophetic call of the dhimmization of the West. Look at the following and tell me if this has not all come true:
Look at England, where the Archbishop declares that Sharia Law is inevitable; at France, overrun by Muslim hoodlums who burn and loot and plunder and torture far from the reach of law enforcement; at Holland where a threat of Arab gutter rage makes the entire government cave; at the EU which succumbs to the Muslim Albanians and strips democratic Serbia of its territory and patrimony in Kosovo. Look in Scandinavia where an increasingly strident Muslim population is outgrowing, outbirthing, and overtaking the descendants of Vikings; at Spain whose response to Islamic terrorism was to boot the only government that understood jihad and Islam.
What is important to take note of here is this: the Iranians, the Syrians, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah - NONE of them have one iota of interest in the palestinians having a state. They could care less. They have one interest only and that is following the command of mohammed to crush and destroy the Jews. The fact that Israel exists is the basis of all jihad. And one day, the world will either wake up to see this fact or the world will fall onto its prayer mat, face east and realize it's far too late.
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: It Was Never about Borders
In its sixtieth year, Israel is a nation in retreat.
Since anniversaries beget nostalgia and retrospection, there will be invocations of the epic rescue of the wretched survivors of the Holocaust and the oppressed Jews from Arab countries; of the almost impossible victory of David against an Arab Goliath in 1948; of the lightning victory of 1967; of the come from behind victory in Yom Kippur 1973; of the rescue of the hostages in Entebbe; of the incredible destruction of Iraq’s nuclear reactor at Osirak, all of which were the source of pride and renewed confidence for Jews in every corner of the world.
There will be also be obloquy from the international Left, including too many in Israel, who see the so-called “occupation” of Judea and Samaria as the “root cause” of the entire conflict. What makes this so risible is that Israel has conceded to every Arab demand in its suicidal quest for accommodation with its enemies, but the drumbeat of attacks from the Left escalates in lockstep with the increase in terrorism and destruction.
And from the Right (count me in), there will be well-deserved criticism of Israel’s government and its serial appeasements, which only whet the bloodlust of its enemies.
The fact is that all Israel’s achievements are imperiled because its government and elites live in a delusional world. They deny the past, persuading themselves of the existence of an earlier idyllic era of comity between Jews and Arabs to which they can return. They deny the present, refusing to recognize that Arab opposition is not based on reasserting control of “occupied territories” but is rooted in an unwillingness to accept a Jewish state in any boundaries.
The scholar Bat Ye'or understood that the Arab war against the Jews of Palestine was always a jihad. She warned:
Israel represents the successful national liberation of a dhimmi civilization. On a territory formerly Arabized by the jihad and the dhimma, a pre-Islamic language, culture, topographical geography, and national institutions have been restored to life. This reversed the process of centuries in which the cultural, social and political structures of the indigenous population of Palestine were destroyed. In 1974, Abu Iyad, second-in-command to Arafat in the Fatah hierarchy, announced: ‘We intend to struggle so that our Palestinian homeland does not become a new Andalusia.’ The comparison of Andalusia to Palestine was not fortuitous since both countries were Arabized, and then de-Arabized by a pre-Arabic culture.
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