This is one of those "wow" stories, so you really should read the entire article here at CJTF, but in essence the Taliban in Afghanistan attacked an Afghan school chasing away the teacher who was guarding it...then the following happened:
Whether it is al Qaeda in Iraq or it is the Taliban in Afghanistan, local people have had it up to here with them. Look for the "Awakening" movement in Iraq to spread to Afghanistan at some point - so far, the Taliban have been more careful about inciting the ire of locals but that has changed some with their suicide bombings and acts like this attempted burning of a local school.
Villagers also said that the insurgents doused the wooden window frames with gasoline and set them on fire. By this time, villagers had alerted the area’s security commander and village elder, Mr. Zarif.Isn't that great? The mighty, invincible Taliban sent scurrying away into the night by a tribal elder and his three boys! Hahaha!
Mr. Zarif along with his three eldest sons surprised the insurgents at the clinic. A fire-fight ensued, and Zarif and his family fought off the insurgents.
There was no apparent injury to either group. The attackers abandoned the site, and Zarif put out the fire at the clinic while teachers quelled the fire at the school.
Whether it is al Qaeda in Iraq or it is the Taliban in Afghanistan, local people have had it up to here with them. Look for the "Awakening" movement in Iraq to spread to Afghanistan at some point - so far, the Taliban have been more careful about inciting the ire of locals but that has changed some with their suicide bombings and acts like this attempted burning of a local school.
Afghan villagers save school, clinic from insurgents
“I was concerned about the clinic and school; I just wanted the attackers to leave us alone,” said Zarif. “We don’t want the insurgents coming to our village and destroying our property. The clinic and school are important to our village.”
“Thanks to the rapid and valiant efforts of the village residents to counter this insurgent threat, the insurgents’ attack had only limited success,” said Army Lt. Col. Frank Morrison, Combined Task Force Rugged civil military officer assisting Pircuti village. “By attempting to destroy the school, the insurgents are trying to undermine the Afghan government’s efforts to provide an education to their youth and health care to their citizens.”
The Afghan government, in coordination with Coalition forces, plans to replace and repair the damaged supplies and infrastructure at both the clinic and school.
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