This is shaping up to be fantastic news. Yesterday's missile attack by the U.S. against an al Qaeda safe house in southern Somalia, on the border of Kenya, was targeting the al Qaeda operative, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan. The Washington Times reported the result this way:
Now, in this post from Bill Roggio's The Long War Journal, Bill notes that Saleh has not been confirmed dead and that U.S. forces need to cordone the safe house off and take DNA samples - psssst...that means old Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan is in quite a few pieces at the moment. haha!
But here is what I want to focus on. Most of us did not know who Saleh was until yesterday or today. Saleh is the al Qaeda in northern Africa jihadist who was responsible for the following according to The Long War Journal article:
You see it? Saleh Nabhan was wanted by the U.S. for attacks 10 YEARS AGO !!! And thus the reason for the title of this posting - American memories are long and the reach of our forces against terrorists is long. Very long.
Consider this - this piece of shit has been walking around for 10 years since he directed attacks on the U.S. embassy in Kenya...and 10 years after the fact, with the U.S. up to its elbows in al Qaeda in Iraq, with the U.S. shouldering most of the effort in the War against the Taliban in Afghanistan, we STILL have the resources, the time, and the drive to launch a cruise missile strike against this fuck half a world away while he sits down at a dusty table in a hut in Somalia. Piece of crap never knew what hit him.
So, to all the jihadists in the world that have levelled attacks against the U.S. in the past 10 years, or 20 years or in the last 10 days...we are coming for you. Might not be tomorrow, might not be this year. Hell, it might be 10 years from now, but you will die. You will pay for your crimes against the American people. And to each of the Iranian Qods Forces commanders who have been instrumental in coordinating the deaths of American troops in Iraq...this goes for you. We have your names, we have your photos and sooner or later, we'll have your ass.
Nabhan was "found, targeted, and killed" along with an unspecified number of al Qaeda operatives in the town of Dhobley along the southern border with Kenya
Now, in this post from Bill Roggio's The Long War Journal, Bill notes that Saleh has not been confirmed dead and that U.S. forces need to cordone the safe house off and take DNA samples - psssst...that means old Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan is in quite a few pieces at the moment. haha!
But here is what I want to focus on. Most of us did not know who Saleh was until yesterday or today. Saleh is the al Qaeda in northern Africa jihadist who was responsible for the following according to The Long War Journal article:
Nabhan is wanted by the FBI for questioning in connection with the 2002 attacks in Mombasa, Kenya against a hotel and an airliner.
Nabhan is also wanted for involvement in the 1998 suicide attacks against US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
You see it? Saleh Nabhan was wanted by the U.S. for attacks 10 YEARS AGO !!! And thus the reason for the title of this posting - American memories are long and the reach of our forces against terrorists is long. Very long.
Consider this - this piece of shit has been walking around for 10 years since he directed attacks on the U.S. embassy in Kenya...and 10 years after the fact, with the U.S. up to its elbows in al Qaeda in Iraq, with the U.S. shouldering most of the effort in the War against the Taliban in Afghanistan, we STILL have the resources, the time, and the drive to launch a cruise missile strike against this fuck half a world away while he sits down at a dusty table in a hut in Somalia. Piece of crap never knew what hit him.
So, to all the jihadists in the world that have levelled attacks against the U.S. in the past 10 years, or 20 years or in the last 10 days...we are coming for you. Might not be tomorrow, might not be this year. Hell, it might be 10 years from now, but you will die. You will pay for your crimes against the American people. And to each of the Iranian Qods Forces commanders who have been instrumental in coordinating the deaths of American troops in Iraq...this goes for you. We have your names, we have your photos and sooner or later, we'll have your ass.
Al Qaeda leader Saleh target of US airstrike in southern Somalia
By Bill Roggio
March 4, 2008 9:43 AM
Yesterday's airstrike against an al Qaeda safe house targeted Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, a senior operative for al Qaeda's network in eastern Africa. Nabhan was "found, targeted, and killed" along with an unspecified number of al Qaeda operatives in the town of Dhobley along the southern border with Kenya, The Washington Times reported.
The US military has not confirmed Saleh's death. The US military will need to secure the attack site to obtain DNA and other forensic evidence to confirm the identity of those killed in the attack.
Dhobley was reported as having fallen to Hassan al Turki a senior leader in the Islamic Courts and its predecessor al Itihaad al Islamiyah. Turki is running a military and terrorist training camp in Dhobley. There is no word if Turki was among those killed or if he was meeting with Nabhan during the strike.
"Al Qaeda has used this region to spill over into other parts of eastern Africa," a US counterterrorism official told The Washington Times. "Somalia at a minimum is a place of refuge but for some of al Qaeda it is a place to plot and plan future attacks."
Al Qaeda and the Islamic Courts operated at least 17 terror camps throughout Somalia prior to the downfall of the Islamic Courts in December 2006. The terror groups are attempting to re-establish their networks, as the Somali government is unable to assert its control throughout the country.
Nabhan is wanted by the FBI for questioning in connection with the 2002 attacks in Mombasa, Kenya against a hotel and an airliner. Nabhan targeted a hotel frequented by Israelis and an Israeli-chartered airplane in a near-simultaneous attack. Suicide bombers rammed a truck into the lobby of hotel visited by Israelis. Thirteen were killed and 80 wounded in the attack. At the same time as the hotel attack, al Qaeda launched two Strela surface-to-air missiles at an Arkia Airlines jet. The missiles missed their targets.
Nabhan is also wanted for involvement in the 1998 suicide attacks against US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The attack in Nairobi, Kenya resulted in 212 killed and more than 4,000 wounded. The attack in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania resulted 11 killed and 85 wounded. Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, al Qaeda's operations chief in East Africa, and Abu Taha al Sudani, the leader of al Qaeda's network in East Africa were also behind the attacks.
1 comment:
It's Will Conway, from LGF and Regarding Liberty.
I just set up a group blog at BigBoomBloggers.blogspot.com. Basically, I'm interested in starting a group blog run by bloggers from other individual sites. I read your blog relatively regularly, and I thought you matched pretty well for what I'm trying to do. It won't really take any more of your time; just repost some of your posts on the group blog, and it will definitely help traffic. Any interest? Email me at regardingliberty@yahoo.com if you want to join.
Thanks a lot!
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