Okay, it's time. It's past time, in fact, to do some damage to these Iranian clowns. Iranian Parliamen Speaker, Gholam Hadad, said this today in an interview for a newspaper:
Here's the full story from Haaretz.
"countdown to Israel's destruction has begun,"I am sick and tired of this barrage of threats coming out of the Goat Palace of Iran. It's time to shut these pigs up - some options are to follow some of the Special Forces Quds personnel back into Iran when they leave Iraq and put some hurt on them and some of their facilities and machinery. Also, there can be some disruption of Iranian operations off the coast of Iran - play some game of chicken and get a small fleet of their Mattel speed boats out in the ocean and pick a few off. The Iranians need a reminder of superiority in this world. If they were you're child, you'd send them to their room for the night without supper. But since they are Persians with big mouths, you get a little more stern and you not only put some hurt on them, you embarass them in front of the world. I'm not saying that we or the Israelis get into a verbal war with these asshats - not at all. I'm calling for a reminder that if they want to continue with threats, they get to pay a dear price.
Here's the full story from Haaretz.
Iranian official: Countdown to Israel's destruction has begun
Iranian Parliament Speaker Gholam Hadad has warned that the "countdown to Israel's destruction has begun," in an interview published Thursday in an Iranian newspaper. Hadad's comment followed a week of scathing remarks made by Iranian officials regarding Israel, a trend apparently escalated by the assassination of Hezbollah's second-in-command Imad Mugniyah last week. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday called Israel a "filthy germ" and "savage beast" established by Western states in their bid to dominate Middle East nations.
Guards commander-in-chief Mohammad Ali Jafari was quoted by the Fars News Agency on Monday as saying: "In the near future, we will witness the destruction of the cancerous germ of Israel by the powerful and competent hands of the Hezbollah combatants." Jafari made the remark in a letter to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, offering condolences after the killing of terrorist mastermind Imad Mughniyah, which Iran has blamed on Israel. The Foreign Ministry sent a letter of protest to the United Nations over Jafari's remarks, Army Radio reported earlier this week.
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