The latest email flying around the muslim world is this:
“The Danish caricaturist creature which draws caricatures of our master Prophet Mohammed has reportedly lost its life by burning as a result of the outbreak of a fire in his home. The Danes wish nobody hears this news. Everyone should send this mail to everyone they know and let us announce this news as widely as possible…”
First off, this story comes from a blogger from I believe, Turkey. And it appears he is taking it more seriously than I certainly am but I do agree with him in that it shows the extremism inherent in the world of islam. How DARE a person draw a cartoon, write a book, speak in public about the pediophile prophet, mohammed! :spit:
This is once again proof that the muslims of this world do two things: they lie, they kill. Their terrorism to this planet is done with words, with guns and with bombs. They simply reject anything that detracts from their prophet or their idol of worship and the key is they don't reject it...they ATTACK it. They snuff out (or claim to) any dissent.
As I have professed over and over here at Holger Awakens, that this "religion" of islam is not a religion - it is a political ideology, you can see the quick rise to anger associated with an ideology and NOT a religion. Every religion known to Man has been ridiculed throughout time...whether it be Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc - we have pornographic pieces of "art" depicting Jesus Christ, we have desecrations of the Bible...heck, we even have little plastic Buddas sitting in dimestores. And when is the last time you saw an edict for the killing of those that did that?
Islam continues to impress me with its deep-seated anger, its shaky foundation of belief and its turn to violence in every possible situation. Let 'em rejoice in the streets of Gaza and Pakistan over a made up burned Dane, but it won't change their lives of misery or their dreams to bring that misery to you and to me.
Here's the story.
God punished caricaturist that depicted Prophet Mohammed !
A few days ago an email about the death of the caricaturists that depicted Prophet Mohammed reached my mail box. It made me think a lot and I would like to share my reflections on the subject with you.
First let me inform you about the content of this mail message. It reads as follows: “The Danish caricaturist creature which draws caricatures of our master Prophet Mohammed has reportedly lost its life by burning as a result of the outbreak of a fire in his home. The Danes wish nobody hears this news. Everyone should send this mail to everyone they know and let us announce this news as widely as possible…”
The subject line of this mail reads, “My Got how great you are.” I did not have time to check if the caricaturist has actually died but the level of the hate and the cruelty reaching out from this mail has scared me. According to this person, if anyone draws Prophet Mohammed’s caricature, than he/she deserves a death by burning alive. This is a comment and it may be exaggerating the feelings of a Muslim against a person who is deemed to insult Islam. However, it is a well-known fact that in Islamic countries religious clerics do not hesitate to issue a fatwa ordering the killing of these people, who are believed to have insulted Islam or its Prophet. Everyone knows that Salman Rushdie has long suffered from a fatwa ordering his killing wherever he is found. A Dutch film maker was killed in the Netherlands, just because some people believed that his film insulted Islam. In 1993 in Sivas, Turkey 35 intellectuals and artists lost their lives in the Madimak Hotel which was set on fire by some “Islamist fanatics.” A few days before the incident, a leaflet was intensively distributed to the local people. In the leaflet, Aziz Nesin was accused of insulting prophet Mohammed and he was compared with Salman Rushdie. I am not a religious person and I do not have deep knowledge about Islam. One thing I know though there are many incidents, and extremely brutal acts are justified in the name of Islam. Islamic countries are at the top of the human rights violators list. Flogging, stoning, amputations, head severing and death penalty are still used as “punishment.” If I were a Muslim I would devote most of my time and energy to struggle against this mentality.
I would like to tell you that whether you have porns of your religious figures or porn of your own mother or sister, Muslims dont accept that as a right thing to do. You may feel normal to fuck your mother or your own child, but others wont agree with you.
So don't compare your religion or other religions you know. When your thinking is in that line, you may feel everything is right for you.
First of all, you have fabricated your own story from what you have read! The purpose of this email is not to show that who ever draws anything about the prophet should get burned! That is definitly not the purpose. But rather, the person is trying to the fate of this person who has defied the Islamic figure of peace and humbleness. You talk of Islam as such a vigirous religion, I would like to answer you by checking your history. When the Islamic Empire flourished, where was Europe? what were people acting like? Islam was a major transition of humanity! Whether it was from science or even from how to act with another human being! I would like you to tell me about racism in the white world! Until now you see some disgusting things happening to people just because it is based on their skin colour! in Islam, 1400 years ago, all people were ONE. There is no differnce between a white or brown, or black!
I can go on and on about this. You tell me about violence in Islam? did you forget WWI and WWII? what happened in japan? Or is it ok coming from your side but not anyone else? What about now? what is happening in Iraq nor palastine! of course in the case of the latter, all what you hear about is that palestinians are bombing themselves (Oh my god, how monstrous!) but yet we both know what is really going on there! I would like to see you living the situation! Your land is taken, day after day, and your houses destroyed! You cant leave your house without thinking that you might die. You do not have power, proper water, proper food! How would you react? We encoutered what happened in Katrina! you saw all the violence and crime that happened! Look at North America with the current financial situation. Crime rates have gotten up much more than before (and what for? losing a job? what would happen if lives are lost?)
Anyways, I would like to end this by telling you that you should respect what other people believe in. Prophet Mohamed is not just a figure to Islam! He is a figure to all humanity! When drawing a caricature, making him a terrorist, you are offending more than a billion people in this world! If you cant figure out why muslims got mad over the drawings, then that is very shameful on your behalf!
in the name of tolerance please read what i have to say.. If you read about islam you will find it a religon of tolerence and compassion.. Alot of westerns see islam as a religon of violence because of acts done by terorrists in the name of islam.. well, islam is not responsible for there doings and we muslims are not responsible for there doings, you can not judge us or judge our religon according to their actions.. Islam does allow any of the horrifying deeds done by terrorists.. Islam doesn't incourage violence, and if some people say it does they are lying.. Just read the words of the holy prophet Mohammed and you will see what a peacefull nation we are.. And as a proof of that, islamic countries has the least amount of crime.. Egypt for example which is a developing country (which has a very high rate of unemployment and poverty) is a very very safe place to be.. Over here you never hear of bank getting robbed or a hostage situation.. Over here you can walk alone at 4 am and feel safe.. try doing that in new york, which is a very developed city, where people don't need to resort to crime because even if they are poor there are community programs to aid them.. True muslims are peacefull always unless in war ofcourse like in palestine.. Where terrorism occurs every day by israel's foces.. tanks and rockets face off against unarmed men, women and children.. tell me why don't you recognise this as terrorism? the media always protraits us as the bad guys, the savages, because its convenient for everyone to have a mutual enemy.. but the truth is simply the oppsite.. and if you searched around you'll find out that what i'm saying is the truth.. Nevertheless being peacefull doesn't mean that u shouldn't stand up for your beliefs.. and we believe its our right that our holy prophet shouldn't be insulted in anyway or manner.. we're not asking u to be us, just stop disfiguring our holy figures and stop making conclusions and blaming us for actions that the terrorists do..
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