With Israeli intelligence picking up Chechen dialects on transmissions from Gaza and now, an announcement of operations by Fatah al Islam in the Gaza strip, it is apparent that Israel will now face a new phase of attacks.
Fatah al Islam is the same band of misfits who fought the Lebanese army from the ghettos of Lebanon just a few months ago. And the ties of this "organization" to Syria are unmistakeable. The Israelis should look for offensive strategies to take this group out immediately, although the chances of this group coexisting with Hamas are probably slim - this will more than likely bring a new wave of infighting in Gaza.
Here's the story from DEBKA.
Fatah al Islam is the same band of misfits who fought the Lebanese army from the ghettos of Lebanon just a few months ago. And the ties of this "organization" to Syria are unmistakeable. The Israelis should look for offensive strategies to take this group out immediately, although the chances of this group coexisting with Hamas are probably slim - this will more than likely bring a new wave of infighting in Gaza.
Here's the story from DEBKA.
DEBKAfile Exclusive: Covert Syrian intelligence arm in al Qaeda-Lebanon sets up shop in Gaza
Our counter-terror sources report that the radical Fatah al Islam, which fought the Lebanese army for almost four months from a stronghold in the Palestinian Nahar al-Bard refugee camp, issued a bulletin on al Qaeda web sites Sunday, Dec. 2. It announced the start of operations against Israel from the Gaza Strip.
A video tape attached to the notice shows a Qassam missile fired from Gaza on Nov. 25, two days before the Annapolis Middle East conference.
Israeli intelligence experts have picked out at least one Chechen voice from the background effects on the tape, indicating for the first time the presence on Israel’s southwestern border of al Qaeda fighters from the Russian republic.
Israel security forces say it is hard to determine who controls the new arrivals - Syrian military intelligence or al Qaeda. In general, it is hard to keep track of the terrorists moving in and out of Gaza from Sinai.
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