Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Say It Isn't So, Israel

The latest in the Palestinian "Give Them A State" debaucle. Israel turns over Pali prisoners in exchange for what? More rockets? More suicide bombers? More soldier kidnappings?

Give me one example of a negotiation or trade with the Palestinians where the Palis actually GAVE UP something (notice I didn't say "returned" someone or agreed to "stop doing something").

Mon Nov 19, 6:47 AM ET
JERUSALEM (AFP) - The Israeli cabinet on Monday approved the release of more than 450 Palestinian prisoners as a goodwill gesture to president Mahmud Abbas ahead of a US peace meet, a senior official told AFP.

"The government approved the proposal by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to release up to 500 palestinian prisoners as a gesture of goodwill toward Abbas ahead of the summit," the official said on condition of anonymity.
The justice ministry has so far drawn up a list of some 450 prisoners who fit the criteria for release set by Olmert, he said.

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