Monday, April 18, 2011

Video: Wisconsin Union Members Booing The Star Spangled Banner


sofa said...

interesting data about these leeches teaching our kids (as if any more data was needed).

Tell me again- Why do we let them near our kids?

Ernest T Bass said...

Seems like they were booing someone introduced at the beggining. If you watch the whole thing people in the crowd are singing along by the second verse. The camera cuts off as they cheer at the end.

Nice try though.

@ Sofa - because lots of people can't afford private school and they work all day to keep food on the table so homeschooling is out too. Thats why. I take it you went to private school.

Tommy Hunt said...

Not only disgusting but shows how stupid these people are. They're booing the National Anthem of the very country that gives them the freedom to boo it. Think about that for a second. They're saying in effect "I hate America so take away my freedom to tell you how much I hate you!" I feel like I'm doing a Seinfeld bit here.

Anonymous said...

Many policemen and firefighters in Wisconsin are unionized. Fire them too- for being union members? What if a house catches fire? You are talking about tens of thousands who will need to be hired and trained. What do we do about crime, fires, teaching school in the meantime?

sofa said...

Firing individuals for specific behavior is what was proposed.

If you want to fire wide swaths of the state, then I think that's a dumb idea. (as is proposing a strawman so you can knock down the strawman without actually discussing the topic itself.)

Also, removing unions does not mean removing the rank and file. States that enact 'right to work' laws transition just fine without the union 'leadership'. This has happenned in many states, and things get much better after the unions fade and die off.