It would take me 20 some pages to go through President Obama's lame excuses for sending U.S. military forces into the Libyan conflict but the fact of the matter is this at the moment - Barack Hussein Obama approved military action in Libya, then he got up in front of the American people and made his case for that decision...depicting a hopeless scenario for the Libyan people against Moammar Ghadaffi and then....well, as Obama does on every other issue in his Presidency, he walked away. And today, the fighting in Libya continues to go the way of Ghadaffi....and the President of the United States apparently didn't mean a word of trying to protect the Libyan people.
Look at this from the latest report from Libya at DAWN:
Regime forces bombarded rebels west of Ajdabiya, forcing hundreds of residents and some fighters to flee the key crossroads town, as a refugee rescue operation in the besieged city of Misrata loomed.
The intense pounding of Ajdabiya Sunday came a day after at least eight people were killed and 27 wounded as the forces loyal to Libyan strongman Muammar Qadhafi fired rockets at rebel positions there, hospital officials said.
“Qadhafi’s forces approached the city, they bombed the western gate. The sound of the guns are coming closer, that’s why many are leaving,” said Omar Salim Mufta, a 27-year-old resident rebel supporter who has not taken up arms.
Another civilian, 48-year-old Milud Ghait, appealed for Nato to launch air strikes on the area as about a dozen pickup trucks carrying rebel fighters left the eastern town.
“Qadhafi’s forces are on the western outskirts of Ajdabiya, but Nato is doing nothing. Where is Nato? What are the French, British and Americans doing?” he asked.
Now, in case you have forgotten about how heartfelt Obama was about saving the Libyan people...I'll remind you what he said about the plight of those people. From Obama's speech:
In the face of the world’s condemnation, Qaddafi chose to escalate his attacks, launching a military campaign against the Libyan people. Innocent people were targeted for killing. Hospitals and ambulances were attacked. Journalists were arrested, sexually assaulted, and killed. Supplies of food and fuel were choked off. Water for hundreds of thousands of people in Misurata was shut off. Cities and towns were shelled, mosques were destroyed, and apartment buildings reduced to rubble. Military jets and helicopter gunships were unleashed upon people who had no means to defend themselves against assaults from the air.
So, have you heard the President utter a peep about Libya since that speech on March 28th other than NATO was taking the lead? Have you heard the Commander-in-chief utter any concern about how the operation is going? Did he even MAKE the speech?
Let's face it - Barack Hussein Obama has never followed through on anything in his life. To put it bluntly, Barack Hussein Obama is a quitter. And as the saying goes, "Winners never quit and quitters never win." Barack Hussein Obama quit his career as an attorney, he quit his career as an educator, he quit his state senate career after becoming bored and after only a few years in the U.S. Senate where he showed up late for most of his meetings and voted "Present" he decided to quit that gig and move on. As President, this man quit on his healthcare initiative and let Nancy Pelosi do the heavy lifting...he quit on his goals of closing Gitmo and his claims to withdraw all troops from Iraq. He has quit on just about every one of his initiatives other than to lower his golf handicap by the time he leaves office.
Qadhafi forces pound Ajdabiya and Misrata
AJDABIYA: Regime forces bombarded rebels west of Ajdabiya, forcing hundreds of residents and some fighters to flee the key crossroads town, as a refugee rescue operation in the besieged city of Misrata loomed.
The intense pounding of Ajdabiya Sunday came a day after at least eight people were killed and 27 wounded as the forces loyal to Libyan strongman Muammar Qadhafi fired rockets at rebel positions there, hospital officials said.
“Qadhafi’s forces approached the city, they bombed the western gate. The sound of the guns are coming closer, that’s why many are leaving,” said Omar Salim Mufta, a 27-year-old resident rebel supporter who has not taken up arms.
Another civilian, 48-year-old Milud Ghait, appealed for Nato to launch air strikes on the area as about a dozen pickup trucks carrying rebel fighters left the eastern town.
“Qadhafi’s forces are on the western outskirts of Ajdabiya, but Nato is doing nothing. Where is Nato? What are the French, British and Americans doing?” he asked.
Also Sunday, government spokesman Musa Ibrahim claimed al Qaeda is involved in the uprising.
“We believe it’s very dangerous if these people establish themselves in this country, have control of its future, its immense wealth a footstep from Europe,” Ibrahim said.
On the political front, Britain insisted that it would not send ground forces into Libya.
“What we’ve said is there is no question of an invasion or an occupation, this is not about Britain putting boots on the ground, this is not what we are about here,” Prime Minister David Cameron told Sky News.
He stressed international forces would not go beyond the terms set by UN Security Council Resolution 1973, which authorises all necessary means to protect civilians in Libya but rules out a foreign occupation force.
It was not immediately clear if there were casualties from Sunday’s loyalist bombardment of Ajdabiya.
“They are about 20 kilometres away. They are firing at us with Grad rockets,” said Kemal Abdel Mohammed Abdel, 24, a rebel returning from the front.
The ragtag rebel fighters had previously appeared set to move on Brega, 80 kilometres west of Ajdabiya, with some correspondents reporting they were on the outskirts of the strategic oil town.
In the besieged western bastion of Misrata, a chartered Greek ferry arrived off the port as part of an international refugee rescue operation.
“This ship contains 500 tonnes of humanitarian aid, both medical and food, four ambulances and three doctors who are to replace colleagues,” said Jeremy Haslam, IOM operations leader on board.
The IOM was hoping to take on 1,000-plus refugees packed around the port.
“We hope to target the most vulnerable, West Africans, mostly from Chad and Niger, who are the least looked after by the local population,” Haslam said.
The IOM has identified some 10,000 non-Libyan refugees waiting to leave and who are camping out around Misrata without adequate shelter, clean water or food and no medical care.
That breaks down as 3,000-plus from Egypt, 3,000-plus from Niger, 1,000-plus from Chad, 1,000-plus from Ghana, 800 from Sudan and 75 from Bangladesh.
“This is the humanitarian priority in Libya, the fact that it keeps being shelled is grave,” Haslam said of Misrata.
A source at the city’s Hikma hospital gave the latest toll for that facility alone on Sunday as 16 dead and 71 wounded, with many casualties being brought in late in the day.
Gunfire was reported close to the hospital, and tracer fire was seen in the night sky over the city centre.
Earlier, rebels said they mounted successful raids on Qadhafi’s troops in the city.
Smoke billowed over central Misrata, which a witness said was from a destroyed regime tank, as the rebels claimed to have taken out several pro-Qadhafi snipers along the port’s main avenue, Tripoli Street.
Wailing mourners gathered outside the Hikma hospital as another victim of the fighting was brought in, doctors and mourners carrying the coffin of a man fatally wounded in the fierce fighting that has torn through the town.
As the body was loaded into the back of a pick-up truck and driven away to be buried, gunshots crackled in the air.
The sound of Nato jets could be heard overhead throughout the afternoon as gun battles raged in various districts.
The triage tent outside the hospital had seen a steady stream of victims, including a young boy receiving stitches to his head. Beside him, medics treated a man who had been hit in the head with shrapnel.
In the west, a witness reported that the insurgents hold the road from Zintan to the border with Tunisia, despite efforts by Qadhafi forces to cut the lines of communication of rebel-held towns in the area.
Loyalists were bombarding the area around the town of Nalut, 230 kilometres southwest of Tripoli and a few dozen kilometres from the border, the witness said.
Allies of the Jihad inside our gov't:
Libya is a no win situation for all involved. If we had not intervened people would be bitching that we stood idle while Qaddafi regime killed hundreds of thousands.
Most of the times you mentioned Obama quit were times that he ran for and won a higher office.
Why did Palin QUIT her job as governor? To rake in the dough as a TV celebrity. I hope she gets the nomination in 2012. Watching y'all go apeshit when Obama wins again is going to be hilarious.
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