Saturday, August 29, 2020

Your Choice America. MAGA or MAMA?

MAMA - Make America Mediocre Again
 MAGA - Make America Great Again

(Hat Tip:  Vito Esposito)


Friday, August 28, 2020


So, it's pretty common knowledge about the recent plastic surgery work done on Kamala Harris' face.  The burning question I have you're scheduled for the surgery, you allotted the time for recovery, you certainly have sufficient funds....why not get the tummy tuck done at the same time?

Monday, August 24, 2020

The Disease of Seattle, Washington

THIS is the problem in Seattle, Washington.

THIS is why Seattle police are ordered to stand down while their city burns.

THIS is why Seattle is dying a slow death.

Meet the Seattle City Council.  Six bleeding heart Communist women and three Soy Boys whose testicles never descended.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

A Presidential Thank You

DATE:  August 22, 2020

TO:  President Donald J. Trump

FROM:  Holger Awakens

RE:  A Big "Thank You!"

Mr. President, it is way past time that I take a moment to thank you for the past 3.5+ years in which you have served as President of this country.  The specific items I want to thank you for this day include:

  • Disappointing and traumatizing Hillary "Rotten" Clinton to the point of her current chronic alcoholism and the fact that she cannot even appear in public
  • Driving the Nancy Pelosi's and the Adam Schiff's and the Chuck Schumer's and the Jerrold Nadler's into an utter state of madness and rage
  • Driving 25 million devout Communist punks back into their basements (and off our streets) so they can type "#resist" tweets 24/7/365
  • Demoting America's "journalists" and media to a job that is now viewed as somewhere between a tire polisher at a car wash and a street whore who only does rim jobs
  • And most of all, I want to thank you for the joyous music I hear each night as 50 million Liberals go to bed whimpering and sobbing into their pillows, their little hands curled into little fists as they scream "It just isn't fair!" into their damp pillow cases

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Friday, August 21, 2020

Wasn't There More To Talk About?

"Now Boarding...Flight 666 To Epstein Island"

(Hat Tip: GulfDogs)

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Sunday, August 16, 2020

To Be Perfectly Clear...

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Friday, August 14, 2020

So, What Do the American Taxpayers GET For Paying Out $12 Trillion In Reparations?

Reparations.  Yep, the topic is again, back in the news, back in the headlines.  The latest report I've heard of is that the total bill for Reparations to African-Americans would be $12 trillion.  That's nearly half the debt of the entire country right now.  

So, as unpopular and politically incorrect and racist as it might be portrayed, I thought SOMEONE should at least  ask the question what a payout of $12 trillion would get the 87% of the country who would be footing that bill to African-Americans (by the way, Kamala Harris doesn't get a penny cuz she's not African-American).  

What will all of the white folks, the Asian folks, the Hispanic folks, the Native American folks, etc actually GET from this huge outlay of monies and putting America into an even more impossible debt?

Here are a list of our demands (well, actually Holger's suggestions):

  • All references to slavery in America in history books will be removed
  • All references to slavery in America will be stricken from teacher curriculum in public and private schools
  • All historical monuments alluding to a period of slavery in America will be removed or altered to remove mention of that period
  • All affirmative action legislation will be repealed
  • All entitlement programs will be revised and amended to help relieve the tax burden on Americans paying for Reparations
  • It will be a felony in America to speak, print or post anywhere the term: "Black Lives Matter"
  • It will be a felony in America to protest publicly under the banner of slavery history or racial prejudice or police brutality
  • It will be a felony to use the term "white privilege"
  • Martin Luther King Day will be eliminated as a national holiday
  • Any politician utilizing a reference to the "civil rights movement" will be censured by the House or Senate (or state legislatures)
  • It will be a misdemeanor for anyone to claim police racial prejudice in any arrest
  • The term "hate crime" will not be allowed
  • All people in this country will be referred to as "Americans" - use of any hyphenated term is hereby abolished
  • Any media outlet that uses the phrase "historical" in referencing minority ties to slavery will be suspended for 6 months
  • America will be referred to as the country of all people that are citizens. Any references to specific "communities" will not be allowed

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

You Ain't Black !

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Case For a Blue Wave

The Case For a Blue Wave

By Holger

Well, the title of this piece outta catch your eye if you know the ultra-conservative nature of Holger.  But as we near the November elections of 2020, I thought it might be timely to wade into the cesspool of politics and throw in my two bits and my two bits say a Blue Wave win by the Left in this country might be JUST WHAT THIS COUNTRY NEEDS.  Okay, pick yourself up off the floor and let me explain.

As most of you know, I’m a firm disbeliever of the myth that there is a two party political system in this country.  I advocate for the fact that there really is only ONE PARTY and that is the Government Party.  This is why we don’t have a southern border wall, why we still have Obamacare, why we’re all wearing masks, and why our national debt is approaching $30 trillion.

But this piece is not about that.  This piece is about the future of America. 

Don’t even get me started about the public education system in this country, but it is important to understand why 98% of the people of America under the age of say 50 have no fear of Socialism or Communism.  The schools have done a masterful job of not only downplaying the evils of socialism and it’s more mature brother, Communism, but they have done an even better job of selling the allure of socialism/Communism TO our young people for decades and decades.

So old fuckers like me, who were raised during the Cuban missile crisis, when we could actually count the millions of dead Chinese peasant bodies murdered by Mao, when we actually witnessed what a Gulag truly was… we get it.  Those indoctrinated through the federal school system do not get it.  Now granted, if today’s young people actually got their noses out of their iPhones for a few minutes they might see the realities of Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea but that ain’t going to happen.

So, in my estimation, the only hard lesson of the evils of socialism/Communism for Gen X, Millennials and Gen Y inhabitants of this country is going to be to LIVE it. 

A Blue Wave win for the Left in November, meaning that Biden wins, the House stays Democrat and the Senate tips Democrat will more than likely usher in America’s first installed version of textbook socialism.  I might add for those of you, like me, who have put their blood, sweat and tears into the fight for Donald Trump, that if Trump were to win in November, nothing would change considering that D.C. is controlled from top to bottom by the Government Party.  Trump basically is the last line of defense from full blown socialism, like the Dutch boy with his finger in the dike.  But if Trump wins, you will see NO border wall, you will see federal spending going up like every other year, you will see record tax revenue for the Federal Government, you will see our healthcare system continue its path towards single payer, etc.  NOTHING WILL CHANGE.

But it is my desire to see those from Gen X, those Millennials, those Gen Z’ers get a real taste of what we have been warning them of for years. 

If there is one thing that COVID-19 has taught us old timers is that we can hunker down, we have prepped, we have stowed away a few bucks and we can survive.  Our younger fellow Americans will not survive. 

The only remedy, in my view for this country, is an absolute collapse – I liken it to a forest.  When a forest gets so mature that new trees cannot even capture a ray of sunlight to grow and replenish, that forest needs a devastating forest fire to encourage the growth of healthy new trees.  America needs to be purged of the misfits.  America needs to be rid of the dissidents and the social justice warriors.  And America needs to eliminate the Marxists.  This will all happen by them all gaining power and running the country into the proverbial ground.

What I long for is the 24 year old fresh out of college finding out that the only jobs available are sewing ear loops on N95 masks.  What I long for is the mother of 3 kids and 5 cats who needs to feed them from her pantry full of social justice.  What I long for is the blacks to scream “I can’t breathe!” to a crowd that cannot even afford a new set of ear buds.  What I long for is the Dreamers to make yet another claim of how they deserve to stay in America and then realize that they’d be better off in Mexico.  What I long for is the white Liberal elites to make their way to Broadway for a show and find nothing but darkness as once again, the city is off the electrical grid.  What I long for is the old timers, like me, to sit back while eating our food from Patriot Supply while the hordes pound into a Publix fighting and clawing for a can of tuna.  What I long for is to sit on my fucking porch and watch for the plumes of smoke as the inner cities burn and the distant sound is of gnashing teeth. And what I long for is the day we emerge from our dens, like bears having been in hibernation and return this country to what it was meant to be.  Until then, let the Blue Wave come.  Let it wash over this land like a swarm of locusts.  Let the famine, death and pestilence be biblical. 

Let these mutherfuckers choke on it all. 

“I told you so” will  be the most delicious words to ever leave my mouth.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Sunday, August 2, 2020