Monday, April 18, 2011

Al Qaeda in Iraq Hits Baghdad With Twin Car Bombings, 9 Killed

Al Qaeda in Iraq is doing its best to remind the Iraqis that they haven't completely gone away and this time hit at the heart of Baghdad with a synchronized twin car bombings that killed a total of nine people, including five Iraqi soldiers.

From the report at Breitbart:

Iraqi security officials say twin car bombs have blown up at a checkpoint outside Baghdad's fortified Green Zone, killing at least nine people, including five Iraqi soldiers.

Two policemen say 23 people were wounded in the blasts, which struck just after 8:00 a.m. Monday and set several cars nearby on fire. The policemen say 13 soldiers were among the wounded.

The article doesn't mention al Qaeda in Iraq but it is - this is classic al Qaeda techniques with twin car bombings and I would bet a lot of money that this involved a single car bombing at the site, then when soldiers and police and rescue personnel showed up the second car bombing went off and probably did the most damage.

We have to remember that the Americans have enough of a presence in Iraq to keep a vast number of jihadis from pouring back into Iraq and I believe it was Secretary of Defense Gates that said the other day that we might be there for years. Let's hope so. The Iraqis have come a long way in a few years in bolstering their defenses but al Qaeda in Iraq has adapted over the years as well - what baffles me is how they keep their locations secret. In this time, most of the Iraqis feel no allegiance to al Qaeda so why aren't they giving these guys up like they did in Anbar province?

But I have to admit, the violence in Iraq over the past year has not even come close to the frequency and severity that I predicted and that is a very good thing. We have to keep in mind that if things were to go south in Iraq quickly, the Iraqi government's first call for help more than likely would not be to the U.S. but to Iran.

(File photo above)

Car bombs in central Baghdad kill at least 9

BAGHDAD (AP) - Iraqi security officials say twin car bombs have blown up at a checkpoint outside Baghdad's fortified Green Zone, killing at least nine people, including five Iraqi soldiers.

Two policemen say 23 people were wounded in the blasts, which struck just after 8:00 a.m. Monday and set several cars nearby on fire. The policemen say 13 soldiers were among the wounded.

An official at al-Yarmouk hospital confirmed the casualty figures.

All officials all spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the media.

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