Okay, it's been going on now for almost a week - starting with some Twitter feeds just hours after the news of the shooting attack in Tucson where six people were killed and Rep. Giffords was critically wounded. Yes, the clamor from the Left in America, where they jumped on a bandwagon of pointing fingers at conservatives in this country for why the shooting happened, has been going forward full steam and even after their champion, the President of the United States asked for civility the other night, it continues on.
You've all seen the accusations - that Sarah Palin was to blame for the shooter killing those people because of her "crosshairs" graphic, that the Tea Party's rhetoric had become too inflammatory and that conservative talk radio had incited all of this. I'm not going to rehash all of that, I know you are up to "here" with it all.
What I want to point out is what, I believe, is behind this spewing of accusations and attempted placement of blame.
I want to take you back a couple of months ago to November 2, 2010. I want you to recall the day and night of the mid-term Congressional elections. To help set the stage, look at these two videos:
Okay, so there we see Nancy Pelosi in complete denial that they might lose control of the House and then we see an example of the jubilation of the Right in the midterm win.
And that all leads to me just why we've seen this fanatical reaction from the Left over this Tucson tragedy. This is the first time since the November elections that the left, collectively, has had a chance to throw a tantrum. And this is EXACTLY what this is. A tantrum.
We have Leftists across America whose anger and rage against the Tea Parties and Sarah Palin and conservatives in general bubbled up all year long in 2010 and most of them just didn't want to face what might happen in November...and when the GOP kicked their scrawny asses in that election, believe me, the Left was incensed by the defeat. And so, we see that roughly two months later the Left is given an opportunity, for really the very first time, to release that anger over that ass kicking they received.
Think about how this unfolded...a few Twitters came out after the shooting...then a few Lefty bloggers picked up on it....and then a few Progressive journalists put together some sniping reports and then we see the Tucson sheriff on national television show just how ANGRY he is - watch his clips over and over again and tell me that guy is not one pissed off Liberal.
So, while the rest of the Right this past week has been busy pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left's attacks or busy trying to defend the actions of conservatives, I've been sitting back and watching, reserving my opinion.
I have said time and time again that a Progressive, a Marxist, a left-leaning revolutionary, a radical Democrat...whatever you want to call them...is a child in an adult body. And what we have seen this past week is not a thought out strategic plan by the Left to attack the Right - we have seen the adult version of a kid on the floor of a Target store's candy aisle flailing his arms and legs and screaming as his mother says no to a bag of fun size Snicker bars.
Leftists cannot accept themselves as individuals. They have never been comfortable in their own skin. And they never, ever can accept defeat. Their movement was damaged in November and we have seen this past week just how utterly and completely pissed off they are.
It's actually kind of funny, don't you think?
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