This posting, written by Pat Dollard, comes from PatDollard.com.
There is absolutely nothing I can add to this piece other than "I second that!"
A Message To Senate And Congressional Republicans
Clearly, the Left is trying to intimidate you into fighting the Obama agenda with one had tied behind your back. They are trying to tell you to not use the appropriately and necessarily strong language that will remind the public how horrendous and egregious Obama’s agenda (embodied by his legislation and his agency-driven defacto legislation) is. They are terrified that you will speak the truth. So they are trying to convince you that Americans don’t want the truth, they don’t want results, but they want “civility”. Don’t buy it, guys. Americans’ lives, liberties and property are not determined by “civility”, they are determined by legislation and how well you (who we put into office precisely to counter the Obama revolution as ruthlessly and successfully as he has prosecuted it) pass it, repeal it, fund it, or de-fund it. America will react badly if you drop the warrior ethos after the country has been so badly damaged by the Left’s use of it, not if you embrace and embody it. Don’t buy the hype. The American people aren’t buying it, so the last people who should be buying it, are you. Get your fucking heads back in the game, get your game faces on, and win the fucking game. That is your mission. Your mission is not to play the game by the enemy’s playbook, which is precisely what they are trying to psych you into doing by making you think that Americans will be horrified if you fight to win. Americans will only be horrified if you lose. Don’t ever, ever, forget that.
Besides, the whole issue is a canard. Politics and the tone of the American debate had nothing to do with Jared Loughner’s mind. Read the campus police reports. The other canard in this is that to the Left, “civility” means anything other than “censorship of criticism of the Obama agenda.”
The American revolutionaries were not much interested in civility. They were interested in victory. The God-sent spirit of counter-Leftist revolution has not left the people. Don’t let it leave you.
- Pat Dollard
1 comment:
I was encouraged that the repeal ObamaCare vote is scheduled. I am a nervous wreck worrying about what the leadership will do wrong!
I hope we aggressively tell "them" just what they can do with their vivid rhetoric. If we go on the defense, it's over.
Dollard said it correctly: it's a canard. We know it. They know it. Now can we do something about it?
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