Thursday, September 16, 2010

Video: Okay, If You Are Afraid of Heights...Think Twice About Watching This


Anonymous said...

I am not afraid of moderate height -- I've worked on two-story roofs, climbed trees, and once won a bet by running up and down a fire watch tower. Flying doesn't bother me in the least. There's an amusement park ride that hoists you up a several hundred foot tower, then lets you swoop down at the end of a long cable tied to a harness. It's thrilling; I did it three times.

But this -- I was astonished at how giddy I got when the free climbing started.

I haven't finished watching it yet; I'm actually having to take this in small doses.

Another thing that surprises me is that so far, I haven't seen any indication that the tower sways. Those flimsy looking towers are evidently pretty stiff.

in the vanguard said...

Wow Holger - thanks for that!

Kirly said...

engineers rock. but that dude is crazy! hey, reminds me, is towerclimber still over there at the stupid dead blog?