Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"The Attack on Humanity" - a 9/11 Poem for the Ages

This poem comes to us from Family Security Matters. I have nothing to add.

The Attack on Humanity

A thousand dads were lost in the blast,
A thousand Moms vanished so fast,
A thousand kids waited in vain,
A thousand friends were not seen again.

The whole world cried in intense pain.

“Honey, I love you”, was message the last,
“Me too” unheard, remained a distant past,
“When are you coming home?” but no reply,
Loving hearts were pierced, by terror’s ally.

Death and destruction descended from sky.

A gruesome strike, by the hands of evil,
A tragedy hosted, by the deadly devil,
Goddess of Liberty witnessed the fire,
Faceless foes deployed, by Satan on hire.

Innocents perished in your evil ire.

Tall Towers proclaimed global bonds in trade,
The hub of defense, a symbol it made,
The big City never slept, they said,
The targets they were, for a cowardly raid.

But wages of sin, you now have paid.

You killer, your mom never lovingly hold,
Your priest, compassion never you told,
Your father, alas, never wanted you brave,
Your religion never, good advice you gave.

But devil’s flag did you always wave.


Terror, cruelty, and brutality you know,
Seeds of hate and murder, you always sow,
Love, courage, harmony to you unknown,
Bombs, knives and bullets you ever own.

Tenderness never in dreams you’ve shown.

Your schools taught you, nothing but hate,
Your friends conspired to kill, not mate,
Teachers gave you credit, for murder rate,
You’re promised angels, at Heaven’s gate.

Savagery, barbarism became your fate.

In flying schools, you learnt only to crash,
You cared not to build, only smash,
You fly in the skies, and hijack the plane,
Your book of life, did make you insane.

Teachings of saints, for you were in vain.

We are in pain, we are deeply hurt,
Our nation’s symbols, made ash and dirt,
Lives shattered, and losses are vast,
Wounds may heal, but memories will last.

The future will ever, remember the past.

But hear, you nameless, faceless brute,
Our pride, our freedoms have deep root,
You failed to smash, our ideals supreme,
You have made us all, a stronger team.

Who knows it was all, the Lord’s scheme.


You dented our trust but united us all,
“The nation at war,” is the clarion call,
You provoked the giant, it’s awake, astride,
You are on the run, and nowhere to hide.

We’ll fight for justice, and God’s our guide.

No place for hatred, no terror, no strife,
We fight together, for liberty and life,
“Rid the world of evil,” as president says,
Whatever is the price, we’ll find the ways.

Foes of humanity, start counting your days.

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