Friday, September 17, 2010

Holger Asks Why #36: Islamic Irony

Holger Asks Why...

Why is it that a few people in Florida threatening to burn some Qur'ans sends the entire muslim world into an uproar and becomes a flashpoint for every Leftist in America, but when five muslims in London, England plot to KILL THE ROMAN CATHOLIC POPE, we hear nothing but bloody crickets?
Five muslims get arrested for designing the murder of the Leader of the largest Christian denomination on the planet and we hear nothing from muslims from all corners of the world, we hear nothing from MSNBC or Fox News or CNN, and we certainly don't hear a peep from one Barack Hussein Obama.
How about Roman Catholics threaten to destroy every single mosque in America and Europe due to the Islamic plot to kill their Pope? How would that fly?



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Big Sarge said...

Holger's Blog is very informative and I am a huge fan!! Thank you holg!!

Holger Awakens said...

Thanks Sarge!

:Holger Danske

Rose said...

Good question!