Sunday, April 25, 2010

Video: Hamas Releases Disgusting Propaganda Film Showing Gilad Shalit's Father and His Need For His Son's Return

A thousand Hamas should die for the release of this filth.


WomanHonorThyself said...

They are beneath comtempt but Hussein O wants u to RESPECT them!

Findalis said...

I wish you hadn't shown this. When it was shown in Israel (Channel 2, the others refused to show it.) it caused great sorrow and distress to the Shalit family.

Holger Awakens said...


I understand your feelings - I share them but at the same time, I feel it is important that a bright light is shown on the barbarians of this terror group. We live in an America where people STILL gather in the streets to support these killers, kidnappers and minions of Satan and I feel it is important to always show their true colors.

I knew that Gilad's family had seen the video after seeing a release made by his father. At the same time, I want to document just why all those in Hamas ever connected with the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit must be destroyed.

:Holger Danske