Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chart of the Day: Hate Crimes


Maggie Thornton said...

I just retweeted this Holger, and also sent you a tweet. I don't do this often so I'm trying to do it often enough that I don't forget how LOL

These charts tell quite a story.

Findalis said...

These charts contradict the "official story" the government and media tell us.

Kirly said...

we are caught in the middle of a race war!

Henry Bowman said...

On another blog which I frequent I often give the advice:

Never, Never Ever trust a fed.....

This is especially true when dealing with any crime stats....

The government starting with local, county, state and feds ALL kill crime. They will downgrade it to a lesser classification in order to keep their "Part One" crime stats down. (Part ones are Murder, Manslaughter, Rape, Robbery, Burglary, Aggravated Assault,Theft, Arson and Theft OF Auto.) The feds keep the stats and if local jurisdiction keep the rates down, they look better to the general public.

If we really knew what the stats on crime was we would be stunned by magnitude of the problem. So whenever stats are used you can always be safe to assume they are double what has been reported.

Friends, we are heading toward an abyss of evil.

God Bless the American (and Allied) Military......

God Save US

Anonymous said...


Holger Awakens said...

