Sunday, April 25, 2010

Arizonans Run In Fear - Al Sharpton Is Coming To Protest New Immigration Law

Oh yeah, I'm sure the 70% of all Arizonans who support the new tough anti-illegal immigration law just passed by the state are absolutely shaking in their boots now that it has been revealed that the mighty Al Sharpton will leave his multi-million dollar condo in Manhattan to fly to Arizona to march the streets against the legislation. It's kind of like Martin Luther King, Jr. coming to Biloxi, isn't it? Oh wait, is it more like Michael Moore showing up at an all you can eat buffet restaurant?

Perhaps Al has finally seen gold in them thar hispanic hills out west, eh?

From Breitbart:

Sharpton vows to protest Arizona immigration bill

NEW YORK (AP) - The Rev. Al Sharpton says he's ready to travel to Arizona and march in the streets to protest the state's new immigration law.
Sharpton joined Lillian Rodriguez Lopez from the Hispanic Federation in New York City on Sunday to speak out against the law. They say activists are prepared to commit civil disobedience to fight it.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed the bill Friday. It requires police to question people about their immigration status—including asking for identification—if they suspect someone is in the country illegally.

The law will take effect in late July or early August.

President Barack Obama has called the new law "misguided" and has instructed the Justice Department to examine it to see if it's legal.


Maggie Thornton said...

Arizonans will have no problem handling the Harlem stooge.

Anyone thinking Arizona passed this bill without thinking of all the downsides, is crazy. Arizona will stand for, and fight for this bill.

The DOJ Civil Rights Div. is going after them. Can you imagine them declaring the law does not violate civil rights/

Findalis said...

There are many Jews in Arizona, he will blame them for this law.

Anonymous said...

YAY for Arizona! Screw Sharpton, he is a loser and no one cares what he has to say! That's why I love this great state of Arizona. Obama is just pissed off because he will not be able to run for President next year. He will not be on Arizona's ballot! LOL

Anonymous said...

If sharpton goes marching in south phoenix (Hispanic Neighborhhod) it had best be on a treadmill inside an armoured car. Lived their in the mid 90tys, Phoenix is like veracruze when it comes to being played by the black community.