Saturday, March 13, 2010

Obama's Delayed Trip To Asia...It Ain't Because of the Healthcare Bill

Yesterday, we saw this announcement from the White House (from Fox News):

President Obama has pushed back his trip to Indonesia for three days to work with beleaguered Democrats on trying to wrap up a health care overhaul.
Oh really? Now, don't think for a minute that this delay in Obama leaving isn't a big deal - you have to understand that this trip is a logistics nightmare with several countries involved with minute by minute organizational and security issues that have been planned for months and months and for Obama to delay the trip by three days, causes havoc for all involved...yet we are supposed to believe that Obama is doing it just because of the healthcare bill negotiations.

I think not.

Read this excerpt from an AFP story and you will see where I am going with this:

PEMALANG, Indonesia — Slain Islamist bomb-maker Dulmatin was buried in his Indonesian home village Friday as a large crowd of mourners chanted "God is greater" and acclaimed him as a holy warrior.
The crowd of more than 2,000 shouted "Allahu Akbar" as the Jemaah Islamiyah bomb specialist was laid to rest in the village of Pemalang in Central Java, watched by a heavy police presence, an AFP photographer said.

Dulmatin had a 10-million-dollar US bounty on his head. He was accused of being a mastermind of the 2002 Bali bombings by Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), which killed 202 people, mostly foreign tourists.

About two hours after the burial, the Detachment 88 counter-terrorism squad were involved in a fresh gunfight with suspected Islamist militants in Aceh province. Two terror suspects were shot dead and another eight arrested, said national police chief detective Ito Sumardi said.
A police source told an AFP correspondent at the scene that the gunfight started when police stopped a minivan on the street.
Two men jumped out of the vehicle and opened fire while trying to escape. The two were shot dead after a brief exchange of fire, the source said.
The remaining passengers in the vehicle were rounded up. Police also seized five rifles, a semi-automatic pistol and 25 bullets.

Oh, and there is more...much more in that Indonesia is panicking ahead of this visit by President Obama. Look at this from The Straits Times:

SUSPICION is mounting that the fugitive militant Umar Patek may be in Aceh, after word spread on Wednesday that the Indonesian counter-terrorism force was hot on his trail.
Umar was a key leader of the regional terror network Jemaah Islamiah (JI) in Indonesia until he fled to the southern Philippines in 2003.
He is thought to have returned to Indonesia last year with another fugitive JI member, Dulmatin, the 40-year-old bomb-maker who was shot dead on Tuesday in West Jakarta.

So, it is my contention that this Obama trip to Indonesia and then on to Australia has been delayed, not because of the healthcare bill, but because of security issues for Obama being in Indonesia.

Obviously, Barack Hussein Obama wants to make a big deal out of this visit to Indonesia so he can once again "connect" with Muslims around the world and he can put out a speech about his childhood days at the madrassa in Indonesia - and Obama does NOT want to have to cancel this visit but at the same time, as you can see, Indonesia ain't exactly the safest place for an American President with U.S. bounties galore out there on leaders of Jemaah Islamiah.

It's my guess that U.S. security officials and the Secret Service are not comfortable that Obama will be safe in Indonesia - and the situation is only worse now with the death of Dulmatin because it would be the perfect way for those of Jemaah Islamiah to avenge his death. A dead U.S. President would martyr Dulmatin to the nth degree.

I think it is entirely possible that there will be an announcement this week that Obama's trip will "change" and that he will skip the visit to Indonesia and just go to Australia...odd isn't it...that a U.S. President who has done nothing since the first day of his Presidency but reach out for compromise and appeasement to islamic terrorists, would find himself the target of their vengeance. Perhaps Barack Hussein Obama is realizing what I have said all ain't because we are Americans, it ain't because we are from the West, it ain't because of what we did in the's simply because we are infidels.

Slain Islamist militant leader buried in Indonesia

PEMALANG, Indonesia — Slain Islamist bomb-maker Dulmatin was buried in his Indonesian home village Friday as a large crowd of mourners chanted "God is greater" and acclaimed him as a holy warrior.

The crowd of more than 2,000 shouted "Allahu Akbar" as the Jemaah Islamiyah bomb specialist was laid to rest in the village of Pemalang in Central Java, watched by a heavy police presence, an AFP photographer said.

"The funeral has gone well, with no problems or difficulties. Everybody in this village came and helped us," Dulmatin's eldest brother Azam Ba'afut said after the body was driven by ambulance from the Indonesian capital.

"This shows that my brother was a good man," he said.

Dulmatin, 39, and two other people were shot dead Tuesday in a gunfight with counter-terrorism forces on the edge of Jakarta. It was the latest in a series of raids just ahead of a visit to Indonesia by US President Barack Obama.

Dulmatin's identity was confirmed the next day by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who called the Al-Qaeda-trained extremist "one of the top Southeast Asian terrorists".

Dulmatin had a 10-million-dollar US bounty on his head. He was accused of being a mastermind of the 2002 Bali bombings by Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), which killed 202 people, mostly foreign tourists.

"He was not a terrorist but a holy warrior," another relative, Sahid Ahmad Sungkar, was quoted by Antara news agency as saying.

"His death is the will of Allah, who will decide who's right or wrong," he added.

Dulmatin's death came after Indonesian security forces conducted several raids nationwide following the discovery of an extremist training camp in Aceh province in late February.

About two hours after the burial, the Detachment 88 counter-terrorism squad were involved in a fresh gunfight with suspected Islamist militants in Aceh province. Two terror suspects were shot dead and another eight arrested, said national police chief detective Ito Sumardi said.

A police source told an AFP correspondent at the scene that the gunfight started when police stopped a minivan on the street.

Two men jumped out of the vehicle and opened fire while trying to escape. The two were shot dead after a brief exchange of fire, the source said.

The remaining passengers in the vehicle were rounded up. Police also seized five rifles, a semi-automatic pistol and 25 bullets.

JI, an Al-Qaeda inspired group whose mission is to create a Muslim caliphate across Southeast Asia, is blamed for multiple incidents across Indonesia including the 2002 carnage in Bali and attacks on Jakarta hotels last year.

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