Saturday, March 13, 2010

American Woman One of the Seven Arrested In Ireland In Plot To Kill Swedish "Mo as a Dog" Artist

Not many details here but when I first blogged about this story of the plot to kill Swedish artist, Lars Vilks, there was no mention that one of the seven arrested was an American and certainly no information one was an American woman. First "Jihad Jane" and now this?

I don't know...are we seeing a pattern here of American women falling into the seduction of islam and then being used by the jihadis?

From the story at Breitbart:

AP Source: Colo. woman held in terror probe

WASHINGTON (AP) - A U.S. official says a Colorado woman has been detained in Ireland in connection with an alleged plot to assassinate a Swedish cartoonist whose sketch offended many Muslims.
Jamie Paulin-Ramirez was among seven people arrested in Ireland this week as authorities investigate an alleged plot to kill the cartoonist over a 2007 sketch depicting the head of the Muslim prophet Mohammed on a dog's body.
The U.S. official was not authorized to discuss the investigation and spoke on condition of anonymity.
After the arrests, U.S. authorities unsealed terror charges against Colleen LaRose of Pennsylvania. She allegedly went by the name "Jihad Jane" to recruit others online to kill the cartoonist.
It's not clear whether Paulin-Ramirez might face terror charges.

1 comment:

Kirly said...

Irish police release three over cartoonist plot.