Saturday, December 12, 2009

Press Credentials Now A Free Pass On TREASON!

The Free Flow of Information Act passed through the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday by a vote of 14-6, a measure that gives unprecedented protections to media outlets that leak classified information, like, say, the NSA’s terrorist surveillance program revealed by the New York Times or the CIA’s secret terrorist jails revealed by the Washington Post. It also for the first time places some national security decisions under the purview of a federal judge.Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, again raised red flags about the so-called media shield law, warning that Democrats voted down in committee amendments specifically designed to protect our troops.

“As our troops prepare for a surge in Afghanistan, the majority blocked an amendment to protect the secrecy of troop movements and battle plans,” Sessions said. “The rejection of these and other amendments recklessly imperils the security of our citizens and our soldiers, and leaves in place a bill that is deeply and fundamentally flawed.”

“This legislation will, for the first time in the history of our country, give a federal court privilege to those involved in the criminal leaking of classified information,” Sessions warned. “It is an unprecedented measure that will further hamstring the government’s ability to keep its most vital operations confidential -- even when the lives of innocent Americans are at stake.”

Top security and intelligence experts oppose the measure, including former Attorney General Mike Mukasey, Former CIA and NSA Director General Michael Hayden, as well President Obama’s own FBI Director and Secretary of Defense.

There are four versions of this abomination and all can be seen here

So now it is illegal to sell secrets to a foreign power, but it is ok to sell said secrets to a newspaper and have them GIVE the secret to the enemy.


Henry Bowman said...

Mad King Harry and the Turban Durbin.....we're in good hands now..........

God Save the United States......

Maggie Thornton said...

And now there is a push that we bailout these traitors - and I bet we do just that. So the government will pay them to betray the military and the betrayal will never be reported.

Holger, this is just so sad and disgusting. Where else will we read this?