Saturday, December 12, 2009

Iran Believes An Israeli Attack Is Imminent

This article from DEBKA details how the Iranians are reaching out to Syria to prepare to shoulder some of the military response against Israel, as the Iranians are convinced that Israel will attack Iran shortly. From the article:

DEBKAfile's military sources report that this message Iran's defense minister Ahmad Vahidi brought to Damascus where he is attending a session of the high Iranian-Syrian defense committee which went into its second day Thursday, Dec. 10. Syrian defense minister Ali Habib is in the chair.
The Iranian visitor indicated that Tehran expects an Israeli attack within a month. According to Iranian intelligence, Jerusalem will take its green light from President Barack Obama's forced admission after Christmas that his policy of dialogue and stiffer sanctions have failed in the face of Tehran's rejection of the international proposal to send its enriched uranium for overseas processing.
"The countdown for war is coming close to its end," said Vahidi to the joint defense committee. "And we must get our strategic partnership in shape ahead of time."
Now, one has to certainly question the thought that Barack Hussein Obama would give a green light for this let alone anything but at the same time, I would have to say that the timing for Israel has never been better for an attack - I don't think there is a single Western nation that believes, down deep, that there is any chance left of stopping the Iranian nuke development. At this point in time, I don't think even Russia or China can raise an objection to an Israeli strike.

What the Iranians are hoping for is some strikes against Israel by Syria that would alleviate the seriousness of Israeli attacks on Iran. Again, from the article:

For the first, time, Gen. Vahidi openly threatened to respond to a possible Israel attack on Iran's nuclear facilities by striking Israel's "chemical, microbiological and banned nuclear weapons" production sites.
His message brought forth a tepid Syrian response: The Iranian news agency IRNA quoted Syrian Secretary of Defense Ali Habib as commenting early Thursday, December 10, that an attack on Iran by any party would be deemed an attack on Syria and draw commensurate retaliation.

You'll see from the article that the Iranians aren't exactly thrilled that the Syrians haven't announced total allegiance and a fervor to throw themselves onto the sword - ya think it might have something to do with that nuclear facility in Syria that disappeared in the middle of the night without a sound?

I'd have to say it is heartwarming to see the Iranians squirming like this - can you imagine how they would be at this moment if we in the U.S. actually had a President that would stand up against Evil?

If attacked, Iran wants Syria to hit back at Israel. Damascus hedges

DEBKAfile's military sources report that this message Iran's defense minister Ahmad Vahidi brought to Damascus where he is attending a session of the high Iranian-Syrian defense committee which went into its second day Thursday, Dec. 10. Syrian defense minister Ali Habib is in the chair.
The Iranian visitor indicated that Tehran expects an Israeli attack within a month. According to Iranian intelligence, Jerusalem will take its green light from President Barack Obama's forced admission after Christmas that his policy of dialogue and stiffer sanctions have failed in the face of Tehran's rejection of the international proposal to send its enriched uranium for overseas processing.
"The countdown for war is coming close to its end," said Vahidi to the joint defense committee. "And we must get our strategic partnership in shape ahead of time."
The leitmotif of the Iranian defense secretary's talks in Damascus was the fate Iran and Syria share and their strategic partnership as the only safeguards against what he called "'American-backed Zionist aggression." Syria must commit itself to joint military action against Israel, because “stronger defense ties between Iran and Syria are elements of deterrence in confronting the Zionist regime's threats to the countries of the region.”
For the first, time, Gen. Vahidi openly threatened to respond to a possible Israel attack on Iran's nuclear facilities by striking Israel's "chemical, microbiological and banned nuclear weapons" production sites.
His message brought forth a tepid Syrian response: The Iranian news agency IRNA quoted Syrian Secretary of Defense Ali Habib as commenting early Thursday, December 10, that an attack on Iran by any party would be deemed an attack on Syria and draw commensurate retaliation.
But DEBKAfile's military sources point out that comment did not satisfy Tehran because it is short of clear language pledging specific military action. Iranian officials mean to stay in Damascus and keep up the pressure until they elicit a firm, binding Syrian commitment to strike Israel on its ally's behalf if Iran comes under attack.
Gen. Vahidi arrived in Damascus Tuesday aboard a special Iranian military aircraft. It carried the largest Iranian military delegation ever seen in the Syrian capital, representing every branch of Iran's armed forces, Revolutionary Guards Corps and intelligence.
Preparations for coordinated retaliation for a potential Israeli attack also brought a top Hizballah delegation incoming from Lebanon to Damascus Tuesday night, Dec. 8, headed by its secretary general Hassan Nasrallah.
When they met, Syrian and Iranian military officials proposed that Hizballah and the Palestinian terrorist organizations start heating up Israel's borders in the coming days to draw the attention from the world's focus on the Iranian and Syrian nuclear programs.
Sunday, December 6, DEBKAfile's Washington sources reported that the Obama administration was about to launch a campaign against Syria's covert military nuclear program based on the "smoking gun" of traces of highly processed plutonium found by UN inspectors at the bombed Syrian-North Korean facility at Dir a-Zur. The campaign will focus on this finding as evidence of Iran's covert nuclear activities and proliferation activities.


sofa said...

May things go well.

jeffery said...

I must say that I am of the same opinion that the expected attack on Iran’s nuclear sights should be sometime in the next 30 days or so. I would say the window is from today [December 12, 2009] to January 15, 2009. The most likely time is some time after Christmas.

Findalis said...

Iran's Mullahs are scared. Afraid of their own people, scared that Monkeyman might have bitten off more than they can chew. Syria won't do anything alone against Israel, it doesn't have the power.

Anonymous said...

Clearly Iran will try to get Syria,hizbullshit from Lebanon, at ratass in gaza to attack Israel to keep the heat off them.This burning of a mosque in the west bank should be condemned unreservedly, however the perps are unknown and it may have been done to start of the conflict, and not by an Israeli.It should be noted that a few years ago when Josephs tomb and its holy books were burned the 57 Muslim nations now calling for international action were silent.
Closer to home!
The Christan action network has revealed further(jihad) training camps in New York, the link can be found by scrolling down on the site

jeffery said...

These 2 articles give a 1 month window when Israel will attack Iran.

Israel says threat of attack on Iran, no bluff
Sun, 08 Nov 2009 17:55:16 GMT
"If no crippling sanctions are introduced by Christmas, Israel will strike," Sneh said. "If we are left alone, we will act alone."


Russia 'will' deliver S-300 to Iran in 2 months
Fri, 27 Nov 2009 16:27:53 GMT
"The delivery deadline has already passed, but the Russian side has cited technical problems which it said it was working on to fix," ["Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi is an Iranian Ambassador "] Sajjadi added. "We feel that this question will be resolved within one to two months." [Iran is evidently expecting an attack from Israel in 1-2 months, before the Russian S-300 anti aircraft missiles are in place.]

This gives a about a one month window from December 26, 2009 to January 26, 2010 for Israel to attack as Israel set the Christmas deadline and they must attack before the Russian S-300 anti aircraft missiles are in place. Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi is an Iranian Ambassador is also expressing this opinyen too posible based on what he has got from the Iran government.

jeffery said...

rticles give a 1 month window when Israel will attack Iran.

Israel says threat of attack on Iran, no bluff
Sun, 08 Nov 2009 17:55:16 GMT
"If no crippling sanctions are introduced by Christmas, Israel will strike," Sneh said. "If we are left alone, we will act alone."


Us warns Iran year-end nuclear deadline is serious
Tue Dec 22, 2:54 pm ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The United States warned Iran Tuesday that December is "a very real deadline" after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dismissed an international ultimatum over its nuclear program…..
Ahmadinejad dismisses US deadline for nuclear deal
By NASSER KARIMI (AP) – 18 hours ago December 22, 2009
TEHRAN, Iran — "Iran's president on Tuesday dismissed a year-end deadline set by the Obama administration and the West for Tehran to accept a U.N.-drafted deal to swap enriched uranium for nuclear fuel".


Russia 'will' deliver S-300 to Iran in 2 months
Fri, 27 Nov 2009 16:27:53 GMT
"The delivery deadline has already passed, but the Russian side has cited technical problems which it said it was working on to fix," ["Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi is an Iranian Ambassador "] Sajjadi added. "We feel that this question will be resolved within one to two months." [Iran is evidently expecting an attack from Israel in 1-2 months, before the Russian S-300 anti aircraft missiles are in place.]

This gives a about about one month window from December 26/31 2009 to January 26, 2010 for Israel to attack as Israel set the Christmas deadline and the end of year US Deadline. They must attack before the Russian S-300 anti aircraft missiles are in place. Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi is an Iranian Ambassador is also expressing this opinyen too posible based on what he has got from the Iran government.

Anonymous said...

will the route for fighter bombers be via S. arabia or some commando raids miixed with sub missile attacks??

Anonymous said...

will the route for fighter bombers be via S. arabia or some commando raids miixed with sub missile attacks??

jeffery said...

Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran - Times Online
Jul 5, 2009 ... “The Saudis have tacitly agreed to the Israeli air force flying through ... of both Israel and Saudi Arabia,” a diplomatic source said last week. ... said it was “entirely logical” for the Israelis to use Saudi airspace. ...