Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lefty Blogger Driven To Emotional Tears By....(wait for it)...Keith Olbermann!

Somebody pinch me. I kid you not....there's actually a blogger out there who admitted that MSNBC's Keith Olbermann (you know him, the ex-sportscaster who wears the big shoes, red nose, and jumps out of a little tiny car in the middle of the three rings) brought her to tears!

Apparently the realization that the Communists in the United States Senate were reaching an impasse in hijacking the personal liberties of all American in regard to state-sponsored healthcare coupled with the "emotional " broadcast by Keith "IWasBornWithAChipOnMyShoulder" Olbermann were just too much for Shannyn Moore:Just A Girl From Homer who writes:

I wept while watching this special comment by Keith Olbermann. Frustration, exhaustion, and anger; my own mirrored. I wondered if “loss of hope” would some day be considered a pre-existing condition. I agree with Keith and with Senator Bernie Sanders, better to have no bill than a bad bill. The current bill is a bail out for insurance companies.
I don't like linking to some of these Leftist basket cases and I caution you to visit that website sparingly because it typically spends 90% of its time digging through the trash outside of the Palin household but this one was just too hilarious to resist.

By the way, here's the even more hilarious video of Keith Olbermann trying to "man up" over healthcare:

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