Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lebanon Charges 15 With Plotting To Attack The Lebanese Army

The fifteen named in this charge are accused of having links to Fatah al-Islam which has links to al Qaeda after plotting was uncovered regarding potential attacks and an actual attempt on a military convoy inside of Lebanon.

From the report at Khaleej Times:

Lebanon’s military prosecutor on Wednesday charged 15 people with belonging to a terrorist organisation and plotting attacks on the army, a judicial source said.
“Judge Saqr Saqr has charged 15 people with belonging to an armed group to stage terrorist attacks with the aim of killing soldiers,” the source told AFP on condition of anonymity.
“One of those in custody had planted a bomb which did not detonate in a military convoy,” the source added, without giving further details.
The suspects, who include Lebanese and two Palestinians, were also charged with “having ties” to Al-Qaeda-inspired group Fatah al-Islam, the source said.
If you recall, it was the Fatah al-Islam group that was cornered in the palestinian refugee camps in northern Lebanon a few years ago until the Lebanese army went in and gutted them out with a fairly bloody operation. Apparently the al Qaeda boys are having trouble forgetting that action or at least letting it go.

But this just goes to show that Israel isn't the only one in the Middle East with a "palestinian problem." Hell, Lebanon has been going through this for years.....Jordan works 24/7 to keep as many out as possible and Egypt had the palis running into their country like cockroaches onto a kitchen floor coated in bacon grease (until they drove them back out).

I don't know....I guess I would love to see an all out war between Fatah al-Islam and Hezbollah...that would be the epitome of rooting for both sides to be totally successful.

Lebanon charges 15 with plotting attacks on army

BEIRUT - Lebanon’s military prosecutor on Wednesday charged 15 people with belonging to a terrorist organisation and plotting attacks on the army, a judicial source said.
“Judge Saqr Saqr has charged 15 people with belonging to an armed group to stage terrorist attacks with the aim of killing soldiers,” the source told AFP on condition of anonymity.
“One of those in custody had planted a bomb which did not detonate in a military convoy,” the source added, without giving further details.
The suspects, who include Lebanese and two Palestinians, were also charged with “having ties” to Al-Qaeda-inspired group Fatah al-Islam, the source said.
“We suspect they were coordinating their acts with a Fatah al-Islam ring based in the Ain al-Helweh Palestinian refugee camp,” near the southern coastal town of Sidon, the source added.
Only five of the suspects are in custody. The rest were charged in absentia.
If convicted, they could face the death penalty.
In 2007, Fatah al-Islam fought fierce battles with the Lebanese army at Nahr al-Bared camp in northern Lebanon.
The fighting killed 400 people, including 168 soldiers, and displaced some 30,000 refugees from the camp, which was levelled in the fighting.
There have been widespread fears that since the battles the militant group has switched its base to Ain al-Helweh, the largest of Lebanon’s 12 refugee camps.

1 comment:

WomanHonorThyself said...

good grief..look at those barbarians..poor Israel!