Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Mother of All Political Rallies

Well folks, I'm back from the 9/12 March on the Capitol rally here in D.C. and I have three words for you to describe it: mass of humanity. I, personally, have never been at ANY event in my entire life that saw this many human beings in one place - it was truly phenomenal. I had hoped that the rally today would bring about 250,000 people together and I would have to say that there were at least 1 million people at the rally today. And I'm horseshit at judging attendance like this so I'll leave that up to the authorities, but I can share with you some observations of this momentous day:

  • I was at the rally for about 6 hours and throughout the march, throughout the speeches, throughout the wandering through the throng...I saw nothing but harmony and common purpose - not only was there no "incident" but I never even heard a cross word exchanged.

  • I have witnessed unity before in my life, but never like this - I saw a sea of signs that expressed so much in common it was eerie.

  • During the march, spontaneous chants of "U S A!" spread like wild fire....followed by others like "Down With ACORN!" and "Just Say No!" And at the same time, to walk amongst tens of thousands of people singing "G_d Bless America" was truly amazing

  • I saw 85 year old women marching for miles, I saw folks in wheelchairs not only show up but hold their Gadsden flags high. I saw infants who will never remember this day and I saw others who may not live another six months. I saw fathers with sons, mothers with daughters, husbands and wives and entire families showing the world that nothing is more important than personal liberty and freedom.

  • Without a doubt, this was a force I witnessed today that will be reckoned with. These were not the kind of people that came to Washington, D.C. because some organization leadership told them they had to (or got paid to), these were the kind of people that will carry the story of this rally home with them - they're going to tell their families, their neighbors, their friends about it and they are going to organize in their communities.

  • Finally, I saw people pay honor to America but also people who are afraid for their country. The concern was palpable but in the end, the fire to take this country back was more intense.

To the members of Congress and to the President himself, you had best view today seriously. This mass of humanity is hellbent on seeing that you do not serve another term. That is not a threat, it is simply a reality - a reality I rubbed elbows with and am a better man for having done so.


Henry Bowman said...

I couldn't make DC, but I flew the Gadsen from my home. God Bless these patriots.

God Save the United States....

Findalis said...

Obama wasn't in town. He was at a rally in Minneapolis. But he should get the real message on Nov. 3, 2010 (day after election day) when we kick the bums out.

sofa said...

Doh'bama went to Minnesota because Holger went to DC !