Saturday, September 12, 2009

9/12: The Day We Rally In D.C. To Take Our Country Back

Today is the day.

I am in Washington, D.C. The 9/12 Rally, the March on the Capitol, the National Tea Party is taking place today and while we still have no idea just how many will be at the rally today, I truly believe that America will know by the end of the day just how adamant the people of this Country are about taking our Country back from the socialists. I should be able to blog late this evening about exactly what I saw first hand but I can tell you this...I am at a D.C. hotel and every single person in this hotel IS GOING TO THE MARCH ON THE CAPITOL!

Freedom isn't Free.


Henry Bowman said...

Fly the flag TODAY 9-12-09

Whether you fly the National Ensign, The Gadsen, The Culpepper, Betsy Ross or any (other historical) American Flag, Fly it TODAY.....

God Save the United States.....

~Christie~ said...

Holger,GREAT news to hear that the hotel you're staying is full of rally supporters. Glenn Beck's coverage of the rally has been unbelievable today. They have been estimating the numbers attending the rally thus far, to be HUGE!!!
Not to mention other rallys in other states...awesome indeed!!!

GOD Bless America...our home, sweet home..."united" we stand America, you bettcha!!!

Can hardly waite for your blow-by-blow coverage.."THANKS" in advance.