Saturday, September 19, 2009

Barack HUSSEIN Obama Doesn't Miss Another Muslim Holiday

Yep, since his inauguration, President Barack Hussein Obama, has not failed in recognizing every single muslim holiday or observance that has taken place during his active term. And today was no different, as Obama extended blessings to all muslims across the world in "honor" of Eid al-Fitr ...ummm...that's the holiday that marks the end of Ramadan and the time when all of the muslims can go back to eating food and killing innocent people around the world.

Now, I don't want to just single out Barack Hussein Obama here because you have GOT to see what our Secretary Putz of State, Hillary Clinton, had to say on this "momentus" day ...from the article at Breitbart:

In her own statement, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the occasion is a reminder that the values of Islam—"charity, community, cooperation, compassion are values which we hold dear as Americans."

Well America, I don't know about you but think about the last 8 years...think really hard and give me more than one example of ANY "charity, community, cooperation or compassion" that the Islamists of this world have displayed. I'm serious, someone enlighten me. I've seen nothing but polarization, terror acts, murder, piracy, plotting and lies. But here we have Hillary Clinton appeasing the scumbags once again.

Sharia law and submission to islam is destined to happen one day in America unless it is stopped and believe me, not only won't it be stopped by the likes of Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton, the agenda of it will be fast forwarded by these two appeasers.

Obama extends greetings on Muslim holiday

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama is extending greetings to Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr (ayd ahl-FIH'-tur), which marks the end of the holy monthlong fasting time known as Ramadan.
The president on Saturday issued a statement saying he and his wife, Michelle, congratulate Muslims in the U.S. and around on the world on a "blessed day."
Obama said even at this festive occasion, Muslims remember the less fortunate, those suffering in poverty, hunger, conflict and disease.
In her own statement, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the occasion is a reminder that the values of Islam—"charity, community, cooperation, compassion are values which we hold dear as Americans."


Sharku said...

Ahh the "Charity" of islam.... it seems that the infidels of America did more for the muslims that were killed in the earthquakes in pakistan or the tsunami in indonesia than all of the 57 muslim states combined.

Sharku said...

And I still say that is NOT a bow but this ass hat curtsied like a girl.

Kirly said...

so, the whole month of ramadam passed by without the constant whining that we shouldn't fight them during their religious holiday. gee, wasn't like that during the bush admin.