Saturday, September 19, 2009

SEIU President Threatens Conservatives In America

SEIU's President, Andy Stern came out today with a threat against those of us on the Right...apparently Andy isn't too excited about his climb to power in the new Communist regime of Obama's new America being stalled so Andy issued this "warning" ( from The Washington Examiner ):

Let’s be clear who we are talking about—call them attack dogs, call them Teabaggers, call them Glenn Beck--these are the same folks who cheered the policies that crashed our economy. Who make up lies about death panels to try to kill healthcare reform. Who scream about democracy while denying workers a voice on the job. Who target anyone who poses a threat to a status quo that for too long has rewarded greedy CEOs while leaving people who work out in the cold.
This is not the America we believe in.
Their lies, their stunts and their smears will not silence us. Glenn Beck, FOX News and their pals have demonstrated that they don’t care about what janitors, security officers, nurses, teachers, and other hardworking Americans go through each day trying to give their kids a better future. But make no mistake—these hardworking women and men will not be the next casualty of the cruel and cheap attempts of a loud and venomous minority to silence people who want to restore the American Dream.

Okay, pretty tough talk from Andy, huh? Let's take a look at Andy Stern on another occasion:

Now, you gotta admit that Andy Stern sure is one intimidating man, wouldn't you? hahahahaha I gotta believe that Andy's middle name is "alittlelightintheloafers."

So, why don't you expound on your threat today Andy Stern? Why don't you tell us Conservatives just WHAT YOU'LL DO if we keep the pressure on you and your corrupt union? Huh? What ARE you gonna do? Hit us with your purse?

1 comment:

Sharku said...

We need to Destroy ACORN and ALL of it's affiliates, SEIU needs to be cleared out as well. In their day unions were necessary for worker safety and reasonable wages. Now they have too much power and are getting more each and every day. This president is in the pocket of all sorts of Communist Organizations.