Monday, September 8, 2008

Three Jihadists Found Guilty In Transatlantic Airline Bomb Plot

The British found guility, three jihadist scumbags who plotted back in 2006 to take down numerous airline flights across the Atlantic headed to Canada and America. If you recall, in 2006 there were the new security guidelines initiated that you could not carry liquids onto a flight - this is the case that caused that as these jihadists had schemed to bring on board liquid explosives/accelerants.

Here's the brief report in its entirety from Breitbart:

3 convicted in bomb plot that targeted transatlantic flights to Canada, U.S.

LONDON - A British jury has found three men guilty of conspiracy to murder thousands of people by bombing transatlantic airliners bound for Canada and the United States .
The prosecutor told jurors during the trial that the men planned to smuggle liquid explosives onto jet liners and detonate them in flight. Air Canada flights to Montreal and Toronto as well as flights operated by United Airlines and American Airlines were among those targeted.
It was intended to be the bloodiest terrorist attack since Sept. 11, 2001.
The unravelling of the plot in the summer of 2006 caused travel chaos.
Restrictions on the amount of liquid passengers can carry in their hand luggage - imposed in the wake of the men's arrest - still remain in place.

This AP reporter was too chicken shit to name the guilty terrorists so from another source, their names are:

Abdullah Ali, 27; Assad Sarwar, 28; and Tanvir Hussain, 27

It's also noteworthy that five other defendents were NOT found guilty of the same charges but to bag these three is a good sign. Don't ask me why it takes the British two and a half years to get a trial done but at least they got it right.

Now, I want to add something. Just yesterday here at Holger Awakens, a commenter by the name of "Sam" had written a comment objecting to my support of Stephen Harper's government in Canada and Sam made the point that Afghanistan had never threatened Canada and thus Canada should retreat from the War in Afghanistan. And I replied asking if Canada had never had any terror threats against it or ever would have. This is a perfect example - can you imagine how many Canadians would have been killed in those flights to Toronto and Montreal? THIS IS WHY WE FIGHT A GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR, folks. So the "Sam's" of this world can go ahead and offer up our citizens to die at the hands of jihadists but as long as there are some of us out here who will do anything to stop it, it ain't gonna happen, Sam.

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