Just saw this story go up here at YNET and it's absolutely devoid of any information other than the headline here but I'll post the story in its entirety:
Now, this is all coming from the Russians so it is possible this "missile boat" might turn out to be some other Georgian vessel but this just shows the Russians are on the brink of being out of control in this situation.
We've already heard of the Ukranians threatening to block Russian trips from a return back to Russia so the whole situation is getting very dicey.
No word of any lost Georgian sailors from this sinking.
Reports: Russia sinks Georgian ship
Russian news agencies say the Defense Ministry claims to have sunk a Georgian missile boat that was trying to attack Russian navy ships in the Black Sea.
The Defense Ministry refused to comment on the Sunday reports to The Associated Press and Georgian officials could not immediately be reached. (AP)
Now, this is all coming from the Russians so it is possible this "missile boat" might turn out to be some other Georgian vessel but this just shows the Russians are on the brink of being out of control in this situation.
We've already heard of the Ukranians threatening to block Russian trips from a return back to Russia so the whole situation is getting very dicey.
No word of any lost Georgian sailors from this sinking.
How do you say "Gulf of Tonkin" in Russian?
I think now would be a good time to hit Iran. The Russians are taking Georgia down because they are an ally of us. Our inaction in this matter is infuriating to me.
mark and anonymous,
I'm not sure who is even in control of this Russian invasion. Seems to me that once the Russian military machine is let loose, it takes a lot to stop it.
Upwards of 2000 people now dead and the world is silent.
I don't think there's a single Westen nation prepared for this and quite frankly, I think the U.S. let Georgia down on this by not alerting Georgia to the massive Russian mobilization.
:Holger Danske
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